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  • Trade fair of Russian and Belorussian goods has taken place on the main square of Smolensk

Trade fair of Russian and Belorussian goods has taken place on the main square of Smolensk

Trade fair of Russian and Belorussian goods has taken place on the main square of Smolensk

In Smolensk has been held a brisk trade of Russian and Belorussian goods. Natives of Smolensk and guests of our region could visit it from the 28-th till the 29-th April and have become the perfect opportunity to familiarize themselves with a wide choice of Russian and Belorussian goods and to buy delicious and healthy food.

Alexey Ostrovskiy – Governor of Smolensk region, Alexander Zamzhytsky – the first Deputy of chairman of Vitebsk regional executive committee of the Republic of Belarus, Anatoly Mishnev – chairman of regional Duma, Nikolai Kutsko – Head of Smolensk office of Belorussian embassy and many others gusts have  participated in solemn ceremony of trade fair opening.


In Smolensk has been held a brisk trade of Russian and Belorussian goods. Natives of Smolensk and guests of our region could visit it from the 28-th till the 29-th April and have become the perfect opportunity to familiarize themselves with a wide choice of Russian and Belorussian goods and to buy delicious and healthy food.

Alexey Ostrovskiy – Governor of Smolensk region, Alexander Zamzhytsky – the first Deputy of chairman of Vitebsk regional executive committee of the Republic of Belarus, Anatoly Mishnev – chairman of regional Duma, Nikolai Kutsko – Head of Smolensk office of Belorussian embassy and many others gusts have  participated in solemn ceremony of trade fair opening.

Agreement about trade and economic, scientific and technical and cultural collaboration has been signed between Administration of Smolensk region and Minsk regional executive committee in February. Plan of Agreement's realization has been developed. There by conduction of such a large-scale trade fair is a result of integration between Administration of Smolensk region and the Republic of Belarus.

It is planed to sign Plan of Agreement's between Vitebsk and Mogilev regions. Smolensk region conducts successful cooperation with Belorussian partners in all important socio-economic areas: trade and service, industry and agriculture, inter-regional economic cooperation between enterprises, environmental protection, education and science, culture, tourism and sport. Thanks to opening of office of embassy of the Republic of Belarus in 2010 our city has become in diplomatic circles an informal status of center of Union state parliamentary activities.  .

The significant fact is that Belorussia is the biggest trade partner of Smolensk region. According to initial data total volume of trade transactions in 2011 has averaged 1 billion 342 million USD dollars that is about 50% from total foreign-trade volume of Smolensk region in 2011. Volume of exports for 2011 has averaged 362 million USD dollars (it is about 30 % from total export in Smolensk region in 2011), and import – 980 million USD dollars (66 % from total import actions in 2011). In Smolensk region work more than 80 joint enterprises with contribution of Belorussian capital.

Further trade fair has slipped in concert program with participation of  creative teams of Smolensk region and Belarussia.

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