In the Lenin square a parade of troops of Smolensk garrison devoted to 67-th anniversary of the Great Victory has been held.
More than thousands of persons took part in the festive cortege, among them students of the Military academy of air defense of the military force of Russia named after the Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, servicemen of the internal troops detachment of the Ministry of Home Affaires of Russia «Mercuriy», representatives of the railway troops, of the department of the Federal service for execution of a punishment of Smolensk region, pupils of the military school named after Field –Marshal Kutuzov.
Following them along a close column of the warlike equipment - 14 machines and four guns went through the main square of the city. The organizers of the parade prepared special spectator’s seats for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
The deputy head of the Military academy, a colonel Valery Dolgov commanded a parade. A colonel, head of the Smolensk territorial garrison Alexander Davydov accepted the parade.
The Governor of the region Alexey Ostrovskiy thanked the commanders of the military departments officially and wrote some officers up for state awards.