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Celebration of the Day of the Slavonic written language and culture

Celebration of the Day of the Slavonic written language and culture

Governor Aleksey Ostrovskiy, bishop of Smolensk and Vyazma Panteleimon, Chief federal controller Olga Okuneva, Chairman of Smolensk regional Duma Anantoly Mishnev  participated in celebrations devoted to the Day of the Slavonic written language and culture.

After public liturgy in the Holy Uspensky cathedral went participants of celebrations – officials of region and city, schoolchildren and students of Smolensk institutes of higher education, priests, pedagogues and armed forces personnel, public figures with procession of the Cross through streets of Smolensk to memorial tablet in honor of Kirill and Methodius equal to the apostles. Then took place holiday prayer service, meeting and floral tribute.


Governor Aleksey Ostrovskiy, bishop of Smolensk and Vyazma Panteleimon, Chief federal controller Olga Okuneva, Chairman of Smolensk regional Duma Anantoly Mishnev  participated in celebrations devoted to the Day of the Slavonic written language and culture.

After public liturgy in the Holy Uspensky cathedral went participants of celebrations – officials of region and city, schoolchildren and students of Smolensk institutes of higher education, priests, pedagogues and armed forces personnel, public figures with procession of the Cross through streets of Smolensk to memorial tablet in honor of Kirill and Methodius equal to the apostles. Then took place holiday prayer service, meeting and floral tribute.

Aleksey Ostrovskiy – the Head of the region noted that holiday of the Slavonic written language and culture refreshes in historical memory our gratitude to the great enlighteners Kirill and Methodius for our language and script. «In case natives of Smolensk region will not have confidence in their strength neither authorities nor Russian Orthodox Church will be able to save ideals and faith that we have inherited from saint Kirill and Methodius,– accentuated Aleksey Ostrovskiy. – I would like to assure that all fields of social life: culture and education will be supported by regional Administration and increase by means of our daily work. I wishunity to all us».

This holyday was set up in Smolensk in 1991. Smolensk was among first Russian cities that organized such celebration. And every year in May we recognize names of enlighteners Kirill and Methodius who more than 1000 years ago have created foundations of the Russian written language.

In his appeal to audiences noted bishop of Smolensk and Vyazma Panteleimon that our country is worth-while thanks to culture that has united many nationalities and confessions in one great Country. «This day motivates all us be hard sincere defenders of the Faith», – marked church hierarch.

Celebration was continued by the atrical performance and performances of Smolensk creative teams in Central park of culture and recreation «Lopatinskiy garden».

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