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«Festival for disabled persons»

«Festival for disabled persons»

In Shumyachy district took place the XII-th gala concert of creative festival for disabled personsbased on educational sports and fitness center «Prudok».

This year participated in festival more than 160 participants from 23 districts of Smolensk region. There were victors of regional competitions of artistic creation of disabled persons. Each participant prepared a creative routine in such nominations as pop and folk singing, literary genre and choreography.


In Shumyachy district took place the XII-th gala concert of creative festival for disabled personsbased on educational sports and fitness center «Prudok».

This year participated in festival more than 160 participants from 23 districts of Smolensk region. There were victors of regional competitions of artistic creation of disabled persons. Each participant prepared a creative routine in such nominations as pop and folk singing, literary genre and choreography.

At concert were present Olga Okuneva – Deputy of Governor, Sergey Goryunov – Head of Department for social Development, Gennady Pechkarev – Head of Smolensk office of All- Russian society of the disabled, Tatiana Romantseva – Deputy of the Head of Administration of Roslavl district.

Among artists were participants of dancing group wheelchair-bound invalids «Serpantin» (art director – Irina Ryzhkova), this creative group is in top 10 of the best dancing group of the World.

Gennady Pechkarev – Head of Smolensk office of All-Russian society of the disabled awarded Olga Vasilieva with grateful letter for common work: «This festival is a real holyday for people with boundless possibilities. I wish you this holyday will be helpful in your life. We can achieve more together

Laureates of festival were awarded by Olga Vasilieva and Sergey Goryunov with diploma and souvenirs.

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