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State awards for natives of Smolensk

State awards for natives of Smolensk

The solemn ceremony of handing of 10 distinguished natives of Smolensk to state decorations was held in Administration of Smolensk region in advance of the Day of Russia.

Nikolai Ovsienko – Deputy of Russian Presidential Envoy in Central Federal District congratulated sincerely awarded persons with acknowledgement of their deserts before the Russian Federation: «I congratulate you with all my heart with this high appreciation of your work. Wish you success, love, prosperity, and I would like your work will provide benefit to our country, to our Smolensk region».


The solemn ceremony of handing of 10 distinguished natives of Smolensk to state decorations was held in Administration of Smolensk region in advance of the Day of Russia.

Nikolai Ovsienko – Deputy of Russian Presidential Envoy in Central Federal District congratulated sincerely awarded persons with acknowledgement of their deserts before the Russian Federation: «I congratulate you with all my heart with this high appreciation of your work. Wish you success, love, prosperity, and I would like your work will provide benefit to our country, to our Smolensk region».

Vladimir Komyagin, worker of joint stock company «Avangard» was awarded to Order of Honour for reached working advances and standing honest work.

Spouses Nikolai and Anna Borovikovy were awarded to medal of Order of «Parental glory» for child-rearing and strengthening of family traditions.

Victor Anisenkov – electrician for repairs and services of electrical equipment of  joint stock company «Complex road-building machinery plant named after M.I. Kalinin», Nadezhda Golanova – Deputy of Director of kindergarten Nr.9 in Vyazma, Sergey Goltsov – General Director of «Smolensk electrical engineering plant» Ltd.; Aleksander  Derzhavtsev - electric welder of  joint stock company «Complex road-building machinery plant named after M.I. Kalinin»; Sergey Subkov – Docent of hospital therapy chair of Smolensk state medical academy, Aleksander Shkaldov - maintenance man of joint stock company «Complex road-building machinery plant named after M.I. Kalinin» were awarded to the medal of Order of Merit for the Fatherland of the second degree for working progresses and standing honest work. 

Vladimir Kozlov – swimming coach of Smolensk Children's and Youth Sports School of Olympic Reserve № 3  was awarded to the medal of Order of Merit for the Fatherland of the second degree for services in development of physical education and sport, high athletic feats.

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