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Federal organizing committee-1150

Federal organizing committee-1150

Sitting of federal organizing committee for preparation of celebration of 1150 anniversary from the date of Smolensk foundation was held in Administration of Smolensk region under the chairmanship of Dmitry Kozak – Deputy of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. 

Vice-premier Dmitry Kozak accompanied by Governor Aleksey Ostrovskiy and by others official persons visited objects which are under construction or are under reconstruction in the scope of preparation to anniversary celebration.


Sitting of federal organizing committee for preparation of celebration of 1150 anniversary from the date of Smolensk foundation was held in Administration of Smolensk region under the chairmanship of Dmitry Kozak – Deputy of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. 

Vice-premier Dmitry Kozak accompanied by Governor Aleksey Ostrovskiy and by others official persons visited objects which are under construction or are under reconstruction in the scope of preparation to anniversary celebration.

Members of organizing committee became familiar with results of reconstruction of faces of buildings and with process of repairing works of roadway on Dzerzhynskiy Street.

Further, in the big convention hall of regional Administration was held sitting of federal organizing committee.

Aleksey Ostrovskiy delivered the report about current preparation to anniversary of Smolensk city. «A problem of identification of the real situation in area of preparation to coming celebration became for me and my team in Administration of Smolensk region one of the most important goals  from the moment of my entrance upon Governor's of Smolensk region duty.

Primary analysis was adequate enough to understand the main, complicated situation inprospect of conducting of this the most important event for our region.

It is important to note that implementation of two parts: educating and publishing activities, cultural-public events, holding of festivals and tradeshows, corresponds at large to plan and graphics», - Aleksey Ostrovskiy said.

At the same time, according Governor's opinion, realization of the third section that is the biggest and the most expensive part of Plan leave asking many serious questions. This questions concern construction, reconstruction and modernization of objects that are in plan of the main arrangements.

There are anniversary objects which are constructing at fast paces and financial resources are absorbing in proper time and there are cases when has place advancing of plan. It is worthwhile to say that there are such important for Smolensk objects as sports and recreation centre, stadium of Smolensk state academy of physical education, sports and tourism, complex of infrastructure objects of Smolensk state university, building of public archive, building of multilevel road interchange on 382 km auto-road М-1 «Belarus». Contractors upon these objects carry all works in accordance with plan-graphics.

But there are some problem objects. Analysis showed that project designs of this objects had very low quality. For the present time they are under correction.

As the main problem in preparation to celebration of anniversary designated Aleksey Ostrovskiy disability of guidance of city and region find decisions concerning plan performance with the biggest general contractors.

Also one of the main causes of low tempos of building andassembly operations is absence of cash reserves by contractors. Today this question is solved by common effort.

Vice-premier Dmitry Kozak compared notes during his communication with representatives of mass media concerning current preparation to anniversary: «Current condition do not let us to say that all points of Plan will be fulfilled accurately and on the due date. The right moment was already missed. Today is forming anti-crisis plan of arrangements and we tried to make all our bests. And as for losing moments, so responsible persons that admitted negligence and malusage will be made liable.  I made already all necessary determinations».

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