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Remembrance and Desolation Day in Smolensk region

Remembrance and Desolation Day in Smolensk region

Natives of Smolensk observed together with citizens of Russia a sad data – the 71-th anniversary from the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

In the night from the 21-th to the 22-th of June in hero-city Smolensk took place action «Candle of Remembrance». Divine Liturgy was celebrated in Uspensky cathedral by bishop of Smolensk and Vyazma Panteleimon. Then representatives of Administration of Smolensk region and youth organizations, natives of Smolensk and guests of our city went with sacred procession through streets of city to the Dnieper. People carried flowers and candles in their hands in remembrance about killed soldiers. Raft with lights was launched to the great Slavic river after requiem.


Natives of Smolensk observed together with citizens of Russia a sad data – the 71-th anniversary from the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

In the night from the 21-th to the 22-th of June in hero-city Smolensk took place action «Candle of Remembrance». Divine Liturgy was celebrated in Uspensky cathedral by bishop of Smolensk and Vyazma Panteleimon. Then representatives of Administration of Smolensk region and youth organizations, natives of Smolensk and guests of our city went with sacred procession through streets of city to the Dnieper. People carried flowers and candles in their hands in remembrance about killed soldiers. Raft with lights was launched to the great Slavic river after requiem.

The same action «Candle of Remembrance» took place in Kardymovo district in the night on the 22-th of June. It was held near by Solovyeva crossing at 3.00 a.m. Russian soldiers shown here all their firmness and courage. In this place were lost more than 100 thousand soviet people only in the first stage of the Great Patriotic War. In 1941 soldiers held the line more than two months they blacked out enemy and did not let to enemy troops to displace. Two soviet armies were extracted from encirclement, life of soldiers and officers was saved, combat materiel was preserved and thousands wounded people were escaped thanks to virtue of defenders of Solovyova crossing .

Early in the morning on the 22-th of June 2012 honored thousands natives of Kardymovo district with candles and flowers in their hands memory of passed away people during the Great Patriotic War. Events of remembrance begun in temple named after icon of Holy Mother «The Seeking of the Lost». The Mass of the Resurrection was celebrated by beneficiary priest John. On the shore of the river of Dnieper was held a composition in a literary style devoted to the first days of this War. It did not leave some one indifferent.

At 4 a.m was was lighted 71 candles on the raft. Also were laid flowers to the beds of honour in villages Solovyovo and Elagino, Kardymovo district.

At 10.00 a.m in Smolensk near by the Flame of Undying glory took place a meeting devoted to the 71–th anniversary from the date of from the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Nikolai Kuznetsov, Deputy of Governor participated in this meeting, Nikolai Martynov Deputy of Chairman of the regional Duma and other officials.

Participants of meeting honored memory of lost soldiers with moment of silence and laid flowers to the Flame of Undying glory.

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