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Governor Alexey Ostrovsky paid visit to youth camp “Smola”

Governor Alexey Ostrovsky paid visit to youth camp “Smola”

On Youth day Governor Alexey Ostrovsky met with campers at “Smola” camp on Baklanovskoye lake that took place from June 25 to July 1. He was accompanied to this main Smolensk region youth forum by Deputy Head of Presidential Administrations’s domestic policy office Timur Prokopenko.

First, the visitors examined the living conditions and work environment of the youth delegations, attended the exhibitions and displays created by the young artists to represent Smolensk cultural and historical heritage and became familiar with Smolensk municipalities’ prospective projects.


On Youth day Governor Alexey Ostrovsky met with campers at “Smola” camp on Baklanovskoye lake that took place from June 25 to July 1. He was accompanied to this main Smolensk region youth forum by Deputy Head of Presidential Administrations’s domestic policy office Timur Prokopenko.

First, the visitors examined the living conditions and work environment of the youth delegations, attended the exhibitions and displays created by the young artists to represent Smolensk cultural and historical heritage and became familiar with Smolensk municipalities’ prospective projects.

Following the tour was an informal meeting with camp core group where representatives of municipal delegations shared their views about the region’s development, told Mr. Ostrovsky and Mr. Prokopenko about the projects they are working on and outlined the outstanding problems.

For the young people, the issues of employment, getting quality education, fighting corruption, unsatisfactory condition of street and road system and support of socially unprotected citizens are the most vital. Many of the participants actually offered their solutions to those problems.

For some of the issues the Governor gave immediate instructions to heads of executive offices, while others will require a long and detailed thinking through.

Deputy Head of Presidential Administrations’s domestic policy office Timur Prokopenko, in his turn, told the forum attendees about the federal youth policy priority durections and how young people of Smolensk can contribute. He also invited four kids from Ekimovichi village who rescued five people from a burning house on February 11 to the nationwide youth forum “Seliger”.

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