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  • Governor Alexey Ostrovsky became aquianted with Safonovo district investment potential

Governor Alexey Ostrovsky became aquianted with Safonovo district investment potential

Governor Alexey Ostrovsky became aquianted with Safonovo district investment potential

Governor Alexey Ostrovsky made a trip to Safonovo district for an overview of social and economic development of the municipality. The head of the region and first vice-governor Mikhail Pitkevich began their visit to the large regional industrial centre with a tour of potentially attractive investment projects.

In Baranovskoye settlement area, the construction of Safonovo meat-packing plant is well underway.

The installation will be completed in three phases. By the end of 2012 a slaughterhouse, refrigeration and freezing compartments will be put into service. Next year two more shops will start production, one for meat separation and one for meat processing. The new factory will provide 700 workplaces for the district, and the investor’s principled position is to rely on local human resources.


Governor Alexey Ostrovsky made a trip to Safonovo district for an overview of social and economic development of the municipality. The head of the region and first vice-governor Mikhail Pitkevich began their visit to the large regional industrial centre with a tour of potentially attractive investment projects.

In Baranovskoye settlement area, the construction of Safonovo meat-packing plant is well underway.

The installation will be completed in three phases. By the end of 2012 a slaughterhouse, refrigeration and freezing compartments will be put into service. Next year two more shops will start production, one for meat separation and one for meat processing. The new factory will provide 700 workplaces for the district, and the investor’s principled position is to rely on local human resources.

Full produstion cycle starting from slaughter and ending with deep meat processing (90%) minimizes the possible environmental issues. The remaining 10% of waste will be made into compound feed. The estimated plant annual capacity is 60 thousand tons of beef and pork, 60 million cans of stew and 18 thousand tons of meat deli.

After that, Alexey Ostrovsky headed to the construction site of a factory that will make sandwich panels – a contemporary construction material successfully used in both residential and industrial construction. The factory plans to start manufacture by the end of this year and is supposed to employ about 100 district residents.

By the end of the year first phase of an oil refinery will be started in Safonovo district. The total throughput volume is going to be 150 thousand tons a year. The plant will also recycle used engine oil – 20 thousand tons a year. An employees’ team of more than 80 people is now being put together at the plant.

The Governor also visited LLC “Technobit-Safonovo”, a fuel oil refinery that will be launched in September 2012 with estimated capacity of 120 thousand tons a year.

”The fact that my first working visit was to Safonovo district was not a coinsidence,” Alexey Ostrovsky mentioned when he summarized his visit to the investment objects, “Affirmative environment and serious possibilities have been created here for the investors. The investment climate should be simple and clear for one reason: the authorities should never say “no” to those who wish to work in the area or in the town. Even if the authorities have no decisive answers, they take a pause to contemplate a solution to the investor’s problems and think of a way to help».

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