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  • Celebration of admiral Nakhimov’s 210th birth anniversary was held in Khmelita

Celebration of admiral Nakhimov’s 210th birth anniversary was held in Khmelita

Celebration of admiral Nakhimov’s 210th birth anniversary was held in Khmelita

A celebration dedicated to the famous Russian naval commander, winner of the Battle of Sinop at the Crimean war, admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was held, as tradition has it, in “Khmelita” reserve museum.

The future admiral was born in Gorodok settlement, twenty kilometers from the Griboedovs’ estate. Now there is a museum functioning at the reserve dedicated to the life and work of our famous countryman.

Among the visitors of the festivities were representatives of the Russian government’s state military history and culture center, “The Admirals club” and Naval assemblies, guests from Sevastopol, Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Smolensk and Vyazma.


A celebration dedicated to the famous Russian naval commander, winner of the Battle of Sinop at the Crimean war, admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was held, as tradition has it, in “Khmelita” reserve museum.

The future admiral was born in Gorodok settlement, twenty kilometers from the Griboedovs’ estate. Now there is a museum functioning at the reserve dedicated to the life and work of our famous countryman.

Among the visitors of the festivities were representatives of the Russian government’s state military history and culture center, “The Admirals club” and Naval assemblies, guests from Sevastopol, Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Smolensk and Vyazma.

The all-Russian third Nakhimov festival started with a formal ceremony of raising the St.Andrew’s flag. The guests enjoyed a wonderful performance by LLC “RZD”’s brass band, eating outdoors at field kitchens, exciting boat and horse rides. A ship modeling competition for Nakhimov Cup took place at the estate pond with participating teams coming from Moscow, Smolensk and Vyazma.

The organizers, participants and guests of the Nakhimov festival received a government telegram signed by the Russian Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky.

Ludmila Sankova, deputy public relations director of the state historic, cultural and nature reserve named after A.S.Griboedov “Khmelita”, explained the idea of the celebration. “Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was a man who called the boat cabin his home and for whom his Motherland, war and the navy was the only love. This is why the entire festival has this navy spirit about it: marches and brass music, a field kitchen. The ship modeling contest was a tribute the marine theme. Such celebrations unite us in our love to our Motherland.”

The visitors expressed true gratitude to the staff and director of the reserve museum Victor Kulakov not only for preserving the Griboedovs’ mansion, but for creating admiral Nakhimov’s museum and holding the celebration in his honor. Chairman of the Smolensk Naval assemly Alexander Yakovenko presented the reserve museum director with a unique functioning barograph that was dismounted from “Admiral Nakhimov” cruiser in 1961 and brought all the way from Sevastopol.

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