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  • 18.07.2012 Governor congratulated workers of Main Directorate of State Fire Fighting Service

18.07.2012 Governor congratulated workers of Main Directorate of State Fire Fighting Service

18.07.2012 Governor congratulated workers of Main Directorate of State Fire Fighting Service

Governor, Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated workers of fire-fighting service of Smolensk region with the 85-th anniversary of State Fire Fighting Service.

In 1927 was made a decision concerning «Regulation about State Fire Control Service». From this very moment begun its development unique structure of fire-fighting service. This structure was responsible for fire prevention, health and survival protection of citizen of Russia and preservation of material and spiritual values of the state.


Governor, Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated workers of fire-fighting service of Smolensk region with the 85-th anniversary of State Fire Fighting Service.

In 1927 was made a decision concerning «Regulation about State Fire Control Service». From this very moment begun its development unique structure of fire-fighting service. This structure was responsible for fire prevention, health and survival protection of citizen of Russia and preservation of material and spiritual values of the state.

«I understand, how important and dangerous your service is and how our state, unfortunately, just jet provides you with all necessary not to the full extent. But at the same time will regional Administration do all its best to administer under its possibilities», - noted Alexey Ostrovskiy in his opening speech. 

In his speech addressed the Head of the region to Michael Osipenko – commander of Chief Directorate Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with a request to conduct a complex revising of all regional preschool and general education institutions and all institution of mass visits by inhabitants of the city.

Spearheaded by Alexey Ostrovskiy the most distinguished workers were awarded to Certificates of Merit of Administration of Smolensk region and to a note of thanks from Governor of the region for longstanding conscientious work and in connection with the 85-th anniversary of State Fire Fighting Service.

After all events Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy familiarized himself with the activity of regional Crisis Management Centre (SEIC).

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