A solemn ceremony ofremains reburial of 28 Russian soldiers and warriors of Napoleon's Army which were lost in battle by Lubino in August 1812 was held in Kardymovo district.
Lost soldiers whose remains were found by Smolensk searching group were buried on Memory Field near by two graves of soldiers of Napoleon's Army. Coffins with remains of lost soldiers were landed in one grave. The grave was surrounded by many people from different countries there were – participants of Reenactment by Lubino, which took place before ceremony of remains reburial.
Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy emphasized the following fact participating in the solemn ceremony: «This event seems to be very symbolical especially at the time when certain forces try to separate countries».
Philip Despinua – Colonel, Army attaché of Francium embassy in the Russian Federation noted, that 200 years ago decided European history direct in Russia and also in Lubino.
Membership of lost Russian soldiers was determined thanks to discovered accoutrements: buttons, fragments of uniform or greatcoat, broken baptismal cross, shako emblem «Grenada about three fires». It is managed to determine among lost Frenchmen representatives of regiment of chasseurs, grenadier regiment and also representatives of the 18-th marching regiment of Portuguese Legion.
Battle near by the modern Kardymovo district that was held 200 years ago became one of the bloodiest battles during the Great Patriotic War 1812. From the Russian part participated in it up to 22 thousand people, otth Frenchmen up to 55 thousand. Russians lost in battles near by settlements Gedeonovo and Lubino five thousand soldiers.