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Working meeting concerning fixing up a monument on the place of plane crash

Working meeting concerning fixing up a monument on the place of plane crash

On the 8-th of August took place working meeting of Russian and Polish parties. Were discussed in detail all organizational questions concerning fixingup a monument on the place of Polish plane crash that has taken place on the 10-th of April 2010.

The day before the First Deputy of Governor Michael Pitkevich conducted a sitting of joint Russian-Polish working group. Were discussed and coordinated technical details for fixing up monument. Representatives of Ministries of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Poland, experts, jurymen, designers, specialists of monumental sculpture and project coordinators participated in award.


On the 8-th of August took place working meeting of Russian and Polish parties. Were discussed in detail all organizational questions concerning fixingup a monument on the place of Polish plane crash that has taken place on the 10-th of April 2010.

The day before the First Deputy of Governor Michael Pitkevich conducted a sitting of joint Russian-Polish working group. Were discussed and coordinated technical details for fixing up monument. Representatives of Ministries of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Poland, experts, jurymen, designers, specialists of monumental sculpture and project coordinators participated in award.

In constructive conversation were discussed specific gears of realization of conception of the future monument connected with geodesic, land, building, shipping question. Also were considered mutual covenants of Parties concerning fixing up of monument. Before and after meeting in Smolensk audiences visited place of plane crash to clear some important details and make joint sitting in Moscow as substantial as it possible.       

Michael Pitkevich noted in his comments that Polish Party was gotten to know with permitting procedures that exist in the Russian Federation.

«We determined the range of questions which require decisions, – noted the first Deputy of Governor. – There is every likelihood the region will participate in several building and topographic works. Finally it will be clear after document execution from Russian and Polish side. This document will contain clear determination of duties and obligations of each Parties including and Administration of Smolensk region».

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