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Cavalry trip Moscow–Paris 1812–2012 in Smolensk

Cavalry trip Moscow–Paris 1812–2012 in Smolensk

On the 19-th. of August arranged Don Cossacks performance for natives of Smolensk in the scope of Cavalry trip Moscow–Paris, devoted to the 200-th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War 1812. In this event participated Academical Song and Dance Company of the Russian Army named after А. V. Alexandrov and the Kremlin riding academy.

Smolensk is the first staging station of cavalry trip passing through territory of six states. It started on the 12-th of August in Moscow, a day later came in Smolensk and will finish in French city Fontainbleau. This action is devoted to the memory of Cossacks which accomplished such an unprecedented trip 200 years ago. 


On the 19-th. of August arranged Don Cossacks performance for natives of Smolensk in the scope of Cavalry trip Moscow–Paris, devoted to the 200-th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War 1812. In this event participated Academical Song and Dance Company of the Russian Army named after А. V. Alexandrov and the Kremlin riding academy.

Smolensk is the first staging station of cavalry trip passing through territory of six states. It started on the 12-th of August in Moscow, a day later came in Smolensk and will finish in French city Fontainbleau. This action is devoted to the memory of Cossacks which accomplished such an unprecedented trip 200 years ago.  

Concert program on Smolensk stadium «Spartak» included a joint performance of Academical Song and Dance Company of the Russian Army named after А. V. Alexandrov and fancy riding team of the Kremlin riding academy. Performance was made in Russian folk style all dance and vocal routines were developed specially for the project «Cavalry trip Moscow–Paris».

On stadium «Spartak» worked mobile museum. Its visitors could familiarize themselves with many historical exhibits such as engravings and rare historical documents.

Andrey Belyaninov – Chairman of trip organising committee, Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia came to greet natives of Smolensk in this anniversary days of victory in Patriotic War 1812.  Governor Aleksey Ostrovskiy emphasized in his speech the great role of natives of Smolensk that took part in battles during Patriotic war 1812.

Performance on stadium «Spartak» attracted a big attention of natives of Smolensk, but because of wrong stage installation, viewers that took places on east tribune did not get any opportunity to see show and left their places. In his personal twitter-account excused the Head of the region for natives of Smolensk which could not see this performance: «Dear natives of Smolensk! In spite of the fact that visitors were responsible for all organizational measures, take my unreserved apologies»! – wrote Aleksey Ostrovskiy.

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