Prospects of Desnogorsk

Prospects of Desnogorsk

Aleksey Ostrovskiy appreciated during his working trip into municipal unit all prospects of development of Desnogorsk that will celebrate the 38-th anniversary from day of its foundation.

Aleksey Ostrovskiy familiarized himself with working process in kindergarten «Mishutka» that is visited by 170 children. In this pre-school educational institution were created all conditions for their successful and all-round development. The only substantial problem is cash deficit for repairs of the roof and facade of the building. Aleksey Ostrovskiy promised to invest means from regional budget.


Aleksey Ostrovskiy appreciated during his working trip into municipal unit all prospects of development of Desnogorsk that will celebrate the 38-th anniversary from day of its foundation.

Aleksey Ostrovskiy familiarized himself with working process in kindergarten «Mishutka» that is visited by 170 children. In this pre-school educational institution were created all conditions for their successful and all-round development. The only substantial problem is cash deficit for repairs of the roof and facade of the building. Aleksey Ostrovskiy promised to invest means from regional budget.

The Head of the region visited also kindergarten «Teremok» and central library of Desnogorsk that service about 8,5 thousand readers. Aleksey Ostrovskiy ordered to purchase server for more qualitative and quick work of data system of library.

Governor kindly congratulated natives of Disnogorsk with holiday and transfered for keeping in museum a capsule with earth taken from Lubino field in Kardymovo district.

After solemn events went Aleksey Ostrovskiy to Smolensk atomic power station that is one of the leading energy plants in northwestern region of Russia. It gives average 20 billion kW of electrical energy every year to power-transmission system of our country. Nowadays Smolensk atomic power station is the biggest enterprise forming a company town, part of inpairments to regional budget amounts more than 30%. More than four thousand people are engaged on the station a quarter of them are youths. Accompanied Andrew Petrov – Director of enterprise visited Governor power generating unit of Smolensk atomic power station: unit control room, turbine island and reactor hall.

Finishing his visit in Desnogorsk met Aleksey Ostrovskiy the most authoritative persons of the city.

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