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The solemn ceremony of anniversary festival closing «Golden Phoenix»

The solemn ceremony of anniversary festival closing «Golden Phoenix»

The solemn ceremony of closing of the Fifth All-Russian festival of actors and producers «Golden Phoenix» took place in Smolensk. This event with participation of the stage and screen stars gathered the full house of cinema «Sovremennik». Audiences had also an opportunity to watch translation of this event on screen placed before cinema.

Distribution of winning places and rewarding ceremony became main events of the evening. Film «Kokoko» produced by Avdotiya Smirnova was awarded with «Diamond Phoenix» and opened film festival on the 2-nd of September.


The solemn ceremony of closing of the Fifth All-Russian festival of actors and producers «Golden Phoenix» took place in Smolensk. This event with participation of the stage and screen stars gathered the full house of cinema «Sovremennik». Audiences had also an opportunity to watch translation of this event on screen placed before cinema.

Distribution of winning places and rewarding ceremony became main events of the evening. Film «Kokoko» produced by Avdotiya Smirnova was awarded with «Diamond Phoenix» and opened film festival on the 2-nd of September.

Prize for début «Ruby Phoenix» got film «All is easy» produced by Sonya Karpununa. Audience Award got picture of Svetlana Druzhynina «Hunt after princess».

Also were presented traditional prizes of film festival named after famous natives of Smolensk– Michael Glinka, Alexander Twardovskiy, Anatoly Papanov, Yury Nikulin, Sergey Konenkov, Mariya Tenisheva and Yury Gagarin.

With special prize of Directors Guild of Russia «For distinguished contribution to the Russian cinematograph» was awarded Vasily Lanovoy - People's Artiste of USSR, evening with this actor was held on the 6-th of September in Smolensk in the scope of festival's program and next day on stars square before cinema  «Sovremennik» appeared the star named in his honour.  

Next year festival «Golden Phoenix» will hold on anniversary days for Smolensk. «I am already thinking about what I could arrange for you within a year. It must be something special and singular because you will celebrate anniversary of your wonderful city», - said Vsevolod Shilovskiy - President of film festival during the solemn ceremony of festival's closing.  Viability of Smolensk film forum was confirmed by Marlen Khytsyev - People's Artiste of USSR, President of Directors Guild of Russia, he said that interest to festival principally called forth by participation of famous actors as directors of pictures.

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