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To Heroes of the Patriotic War 1812

To Heroes of the Patriotic War 1812

Governor Aleksey Ostrovskiy together with Grigory Rapota - Secretary of Union state participated in the solemn ceremony of opening of reconstructed monument devoted to Heroes of the Patriotic War 1812 near by settlement Krasny of Smolensk region. 

Battles near by settlement Krasny went down in history of the Patriotic War 1812. Hear on the 2-nd of August 1812 started its operational record of the 27-th infantry division hosted by General Dmitry Neverovskiy and associated with it cavalry detachment of Smolensk citizen soldiers under the command of General Eugene Olenin.


Governor Aleksey Ostrovskiy together with Grigory Rapota - Secretary of Union state participated in the solemn ceremony of opening of reconstructed monument devoted to Heroes of the Patriotic War 1812 near by settlement Krasny of Smolensk region. 

Battles near by settlement Krasny went down in history of the Patriotic War 1812. Hear on the 2-nd of August 1812 started its operational record of the 27-th infantry division hosted by General Dmitry Neverovskiy and associated with it cavalry detachment of Smolensk citizen soldiers under the command of General Eugene Olenin. 

And on the 3-6-th of November near by settlement Krasny suffered Army of Napoleon such losses that practically slipped out of existence. And soon its separate remains were finally destroyed during crossing of river Beresina. 26 thousand people were taken prisoner during battles near settlement Krasny among them were 7 generals. As trophies for Russian army became more than 100 guns, part of Napoleon's chancellery, two million gold coins from battle treasure, string of carts, 15 enemy banners, marshal baton and uniform of marshal Davu.

And in 1847, on the 35-th anniversary of victory in the Patriotic War was placed grand cast-iron monument just on the spot of such significant battles. Monument was constructed by the project of Antonio Adamini its details were casted on foundry in St. Petersburg and had integral weight   414 poods. Monuments like this were placed on Borodino field, in cities Smolensk, Maloyaroslavets, Polotsk, Kovno (Kaunas). Monuments gave honor to courage of Russian people during hundred years.

Monuments were destroyed in thethirties of XX century. Monument in Smolensk escaped destruction just miraculously. Today are reconstructed monuments in cities Maloyaroslavets and  Polotsk. Arrangements devoted to monument's reconstitution were held in 2011 in settlement Krasny in the frame of activity of the Union state of Belorussia and Russia. About 60 million roubles were invested for this purpose from the budget of the Union state.

«The Union state paid always grate attention to such historical projects as celebration of the  200-th anniversary of the Russian victory in the Patriotic War 1812. It is very valuable date for us because it defined destiny and development of our state. This year are opening tens monuments devoted to anniversary date, memorial signs, low reliefs in Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Transdniestria, Switzerland. All this facts say about serious attention that is paid by international community to this great event», - noted Grigory Rapota during his speech on the solemn ceremony of opening. 

After finishing of solemn ceremony of reconstructed monument opening took place historical reenactment of episode of battles near by Krasny during the Patriotic War 1812 it was organized by forces of military and historical  clubs of Russia and Belorussia.

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