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  • Natives of Smolensk celebrated anniversary of feat of Mercury Smolenskiy

Natives of Smolensk celebrated anniversary of feat of Mercury Smolenskiy

Natives of Smolensk celebrated anniversary of feat of Mercury Smolenskiy

The anniversary of the Smolensk Mercury feat was celebrated on the 22-th of September in village Dolgomoste of Pochinok district.

Orthodox Church celebrates the Holy Martyr of Mercury Smolenskiy on the 7-th of December. Social events, devoted to the victory of the Holy Mercury Smolenskiy and his men, traditionally held in September in the village Dolgomoste. This year the event was held in preparation for the celebration of the 1150-th anniversary of the founding of Smolensk city.


The anniversary of the Smolensk Mercury feat was celebrated on the 22-th of September in village Dolgomoste of Pochinok district.

Orthodox Church celebrates the Holy Martyr of Mercury Smolenskiy on the 7-th of December. Social events, devoted to the victory of the Holy Mercury Smolenskiy and his men, traditionally held in September in the village Dolgomoste. This year the event was held in preparation for the celebration of the 1150-th anniversary of the founding of Smolensk city.

This year, during the holiday in village Dolgomoste, the audience, which gathered several hundred  had an opportunity to watch a theatrical performance, which tells of the heroism of the Mercury and visit a traditional courtyard organized by rural settlements of Pochinok district. Yuri Karipov, the Head of Administration of Pochinok district appeared before audiences. Guests of honor were traditionally greeted with bread and salt.
All the guests, many of them were students and schoolchildren got an opportunity to learn about the history and traditions of the ancient lands of Smolensk.

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