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Celebration of national cultures and national unity

Celebration of national cultures and national unity

Traditional Day of national cultures devoted to the Day of National Unity was held in Smolensk for the 12-th time. Governor Aleksey Ostrovskiy came to congratulate representatives of different nationalities on the day that became the holiday of friendship and unity inherent in multinational Smolensk.

Governor thanked representatives of the association "National Congress of the Smolensk region," regional members of the Public Chamber and its director Elena Ulyanenkova for the excellent tradition of spending the holiday in our region which is home to more than a hundred nations and nationalities. He promised that the regional administration will assist in carrying out such activities and proposed to consider a broader program that developed cross-cultural, inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations.


Traditional Day of national cultures devoted to the Day of National Unity was held in Smolensk for the 12-th time. Governor Aleksey Ostrovskiy came to congratulate representatives of different nationalities on the day that became the holiday of friendship and unity inherent in multinational Smolensk.

Governor thanked representatives of the association "National Congress of the Smolensk region," regional members of the Public Chamber and its director Elena Ulyanenkova for the excellent tradition of spending the holiday in our region which is home to more than a hundred nations and nationalities. He promised that the regional administration will assist in carrying out such activities and proposed to consider a broader program that developed cross-cultural, inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations.

In the lobby of the dramatic theater was an exhibition of arts and crafts of diasporas. Guests feast tasted national dishes.

A concert for guests and participants was held after the official part of celebration. People got a perfect opportunity to see performances of Smolensk art groups and cultural centers diasporas, groups of the guests and participants of the festival was, featuring addresses Smolensk creative teams, groups cultural centers diasporas.

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