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  • Smolensk delegation presented the economic potential of the region in the capital of Germany

Smolensk delegation presented the economic potential of the region in the capital of Germany

Smolensk delegation presented the economic potential of the region in the capital of Germany

The delegation of the Smolensk region with Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy at the head officially visited the Federative Republic of Germany (FRG).

The presentation of the economic potential of the Smolensk region was held on February, 21 in the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation Embassy in the FRG in Berlin. It was attended by Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the FRG Vladimir Grinin, Minister-Counselor of the Russian Federation Embassy in Germany, Trade representative of the Russian Federation in the Federative Republic of Germany, Head of the Trade-and-Economy Bureau of the Russian Federation Embassy in the FRG Andrey Zverev, Head of the Moscow Bureau of the company “Beien Burkhardt” Falk Tischendorf.


The delegation of the Smolensk region with Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy at the head officially visited the Federative Republic of Germany (FRG).

The presentation of the economic potential of the Smolensk region was held on February, 21 in the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation Embassy in the FRG in Berlin. It was attended by Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the FRG Vladimir Grinin, Minister-Counselor of the Russian Federation Embassy in Germany, Trade representative of the Russian Federation in the Federative Republic of Germany, Head of the Trade-and-Economy Bureau of the Russian Federation Embassy in the FRG Andrey Zverev, Head of the Moscow Bureau of the company “Beien Burkhardt” Falk Tischendorf.

In his address to the participants of the meeting the Governor spoke about the intention of the Administration of the region to cooperate with German businessmen and companies. “We will create the most favorable conditions for the German business”, - said Alexey Ostrovskiy. Among the advantages of the Smolensk region for foreign investors he especially stressed its geographic location, which makes it one of the most convenient Russian regions for the development of logistics and terminal centers.

He also pointed out that foreign companies will not experience the lack of specialists as Smolensk has the necessary educational potential. The Governor expressed assurance that he will personally control carrying out the projects and won’t allow any corruption in the process of their fulfilling.

The developed structure of the possessing complex and modern communication technologies, significant fund of free land and production areas with the necessary infrastructure, unique health resorts, historic and cultural monuments were also mentioned. These are not the only factors ensuring the investment attractiveness of the region.

Among the key goals of the new Administration of the region there is providing state support of the investment activities and making it fully accessible for investors, using modern means and increasing effectiveness of such support, providing investors with reliable legal guarantees and crating favorable taxation treatment.

Ambassador of Russia in FRG Vladimir Grinin assured that the Embassy in its turn is ready to facilitate the dialogue between the regions and German companies.

Germany is one of the main partners of the region. Among the large German companies operating in the region there is «OSRAM AG» producing electric light bulbs and lighting equipment and «Revival Express» Ltd., part of the «RENUS LOGISTICS» group providing logistics services.

“The authorities of the Russian regions show their determination in economic development and collaboration with foreign companies, which is also true for the Smolensk region”, - pointed out the representative of the consulting company “Beien Burkhardt” in Moscow Falk Tischendorf. According to him, transport connection of the Smolensk region to Moscow plays an important role in attracting foreign investments. There are the shortest automobile and rail ways connecting Western Europe with the Central Russia going through the region.

A new transport-and-logistics industrial complex “Stabna” was presented to the audience. Stabna is a developing industrial district on the western border of the Russian Federation close to the M1 “Moscow-Minsk” highway. The total area of the complex is more than 300 hectares of the industrial land with all necessary utilities for successful development of production and storage centers.

Its heart is the modern customs-logistics terminal of the “Alfa Trans” group including excise and general customs posts, which greatly simplify the logistics procedures of goods, raw materials and components for foreign trade players.

In Berlin the Smolensk delegation held several meetings with representative of the German business community which resulted in a number of documents determining the further promotion of the German business in the region. In particular the Administration of the region signed the memorandums of cooperation:

- with the company “Malmendier partners” on the investment project “Construction of the factory producing gas industry equipment”,

- with the company “Transumed Medizintechnik Gmbh” on the investment project of construction and maintenance of the medical facilities,

- with company “Hollenbach Consulting” on the project of construction of the truck manufacturing plant.

As a part of the Day of Smolensk region economy there were held five panel discussions on transport and logistics, development of small and medium size companies, agriculture and agro-industrial complex, energy, housing and utility complex, medicine, public health and medical equipment.

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