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  • The ceremony dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

The ceremony dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

The ceremony dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Just before the Defender of the Fatherland Day a special ceremony which was attended by Deputy Governor – Head of Administrative Office of Smolensk region Administration Lev Platonov, veterans, those who served on the home front, the command and soldiers of the Smolensk garrison, commanding officers and others for whom defense of the Fatherland is not just a duty but also a vocation.

Lev Platonov read the welcoming address of Governor of the Smolensk region Alexey Ostrovskiy which said that the Defender of the Fatherland Day is rightly one of the mostly appreciated and favorite holidays. The military first of all serve their country and without their hard work this country cannot be powerful. For the people of Smolensk this holiday is always a special one as Smolensk region is the land of honor and courage, the land of patriots where the people in military service have always been valued.


Just before the Defender of the Fatherland Day a special ceremony which was attended by Deputy Governor – Head of Administrative Office of Smolensk region Administration Lev Platonov, veterans, those who served on the home front, the command and soldiers of the Smolensk garrison, commanding officers and others for whom defense of the Fatherland is not just a duty but also a vocation.

Lev Platonov read the welcoming address of Governor of the Smolensk region Alexey Ostrovskiy which said that the Defender of the Fatherland Day is rightly one of the mostly appreciated and favorite holidays. The military first of all serve their country and without their hard work this country cannot be powerful. For the people of Smolensk this holiday is always a special one as Smolensk region is the land of honor and courage, the land of patriots where the people in military service have always been valued.

In the Governor’s welcoming address it was also pointed out that the Administration of the region pays special attention to the issues of the country defense potential. In connection with the appointment of Sergey Shoigu to the post of Minister of Defense the region authorities considered it their duty to ask him to cancel the decision of ex-minister Serdyukov connected with Yelninskiy, Pochinkovskiy, Krasninskiy districts and other municipal entities where military divisions have been or are being disbanded. This part of Alexey Ostrovskiy’s address was met with loud applause.

Lev Platonov presented Letters of Appreciation from the Governor of the Smolensk region to the officers for their distinction in military service.

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