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  • Awards ceremony for the winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian School Students Olympiad

Awards ceremony for the winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian School Students Olympiad

Awards ceremony for the winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian School Students Olympiad

The Awards ceremony for the winners of the regional stage of All-Russian School Students Olympiad was held at the Boarding school of (complete) secondary education with in-depth study of specific subjects named after Kirill and Mefodiy on March, 1. Nearly 600 kids competed at the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in various academic disciplines from January, 11 to February, 2. 130 of them received diplomas and gifts at the Awards ceremony.


The Awards ceremony for the winners of the regional stage of All-Russian School Students Olympiad was held at the Boarding school of (complete) secondary education with in-depth study of specific subjects named after Kirill and Mefodiy on March, 1. Nearly 600 kids competed at the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in various academic disciplines from January, 11 to February, 2. 130 of them received diplomas and gifts at the Awards ceremony.

The winners were congratulated by Head of the Education, Science and Youth Department Congratulated Ludmila Ivanichenko and her First Deputy Nikolai Kolpachkov, First Deputy Head of the Information Technology Department Tatiana Shcherbakova, representatives of the academic and scientific community.

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