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Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated the employees of “Kristall” on the anniversary

Alexey Ostrovskiy congratulated the employees of “Kristall” on the anniversary

Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Production Corporation “Kristall" - the first domestic diamond cutting factory.

Today PC “Kristall" is the largest producer of diamonds in Russia and one of the largest in Europe. It is on the Russian Federation President’s list of the country’s strategically important companies. The output volume, production capacity and number of people employed in diamond cutting guarantee Smolensk the right to be called the capital of Russian diamonds.


Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Production Corporation “Kristall" - the first domestic diamond cutting factory.

Today PC “Kristall" is the largest producer of diamonds in Russia and one of the largest in Europe. It is on the Russian Federation President’s list of the country’s strategically important companies. The output volume, production capacity and number of people employed in diamond cutting guarantee Smolensk the right to be called the capital of Russian diamonds.

At the factory there is a unique school of working skills thanks to which “Kristall” is associated with the exceptional quality and for many years has been known as the producer of "Russian cut" diamonds. But it is not the limit for the company management – the factory is actively going through the technical re-equipment.

At the “Kristall” anniversary celebration it was said that the success of the company was based on the competent personnel policy and the stability of the management – there have been only four General Directors for the 50-year history of the factory.

"The Administration of the region enjoys working with the factory management. We all understand that “Kristall” is one of the major brands of the country and Russia can be proud of it" - said Alexey Ostrovskiy in his speech. - We surely must promote its development. I am certainly all for it and will support the company at all administrative levels. Indeed, "Kristall" may become the gem, which in the case certain actions of the company management are supported can have more options in terms of the cutting and selling its products on the market.

And in doing so, we fully support your CEO - Maxim Alexandrovich Shkadov, born in Smolensk, who is the President of the International Diamond Manufacturers Association".

At the end of his speech the Governor presented Diplomas from the Administration of the Smolensk region and Letters of Appreciation from the Governor of the Smolensk region to the company employees for their outstanding work.

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