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For the day of the Russian press

For the day of the Russian press

The editors and journalists of the leading regional and district media, representatives of printing companies and Internet community gathered for the traditional ceremony dedicated to the coming Day of the Russian press in the grand hall of the Administration of the Smolensk region.

Acting Governor Lev Platonov warmly congratulated the participants of the ceremony on their professional holiday. Editorials, journalists and printers who have contributed much to the objective reporting of social, economic and political life of the Smolensk region were awarded Letters of Appreciation from the Governor, Honor Diplomas from the Administration of the Smolensk region, diplomas and prizes.


The editors and journalists of the leading regional and district media, representatives of printing companies and Internet community gathered for the traditional ceremony dedicated to the coming Day of the Russian press in the grand hall of the Administration of the Smolensk region.

Acting Governor Lev Platonov warmly congratulated the participants of the ceremony on their professional holiday. Editorials, journalists and printers who have contributed much to the objective reporting of social, economic and political life of the Smolensk region were awarded Letters of Appreciation from the Governor, Honor Diplomas from the Administration of the Smolensk region, diplomas and prizes.

Also the results of the regional contest for the best journalistic work on the processes of economic development in the region were announced at the ceremony.

"Dear friends! On behalf of Governor Alexey Vladimirovich Ostrovskiy and the Administration of the region I congratulate you on your professional holiday! You are called the fourth power, and it is fair. The famous saying "that which is written with a pen – cannot be cut down with an axe" very clearly reveals the social responsibility each of you takes, - said Lev Platonov. - I am happy to speak to you. We have known many of you for a long time. I am sure Smolensk journalists are willing to work for the benefit and prosperity of Russia, fulfilling their professional and civic duty. Only together with you, basing on your constructive opinion, we can achieve real results. I sincerely wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, unlimited creative inspiration."

The speakers noted that the press of the region is represented by many talented journalists. Today, when global media technologies provide new opportunities for the development of the press, their work has become even more responsible, relevant and significant.

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