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  • Talented Smolensk youth were welcomed in the Administration of the region

Talented Smolensk youth were welcomed in the Administration of the region

Talented Smolensk youth were welcomed in the Administration of the region

The President of Russia Awards for the Talented Youth 2012 Ceremony was held on the Day of Russian students in the Administration of the region.

Lieutenant Governor Olga Vasilyeva welcomed the young prize-winners, their mentors and parents.

Last year 43 young people from Smolensk received the President Award. Among these there are nine winners of the international, national olympiads and competitions (60 thousand ruble prize), 24 winners of the national olympiads and competitions (30 thousand ruble prize), 10 winners of the regional and inter-regional olympiads and competitions (30 thousand ruble prize).


The President of Russia Awards for the Talented Youth 2012 Ceremony was held on the Day of Russian students in the Administration of the region.

Lieutenant Governor Olga Vasilyeva welcomed the young prize-winners, their mentors and parents.

Last year 43 young people from Smolensk received the President Award. Among these there are nine winners of the international, national olympiads and competitions (60 thousand ruble prize), 24 winners of the national olympiads and competitions (30 thousand ruble prize), 10 winners of the regional and inter-regional olympiads and competitions (30 thousand ruble prize).

For the reference

Every year on January, 25 in the hall of the Administration of the Smolensk region as part of the Day of Russian students celebrations the winners receive the President awards of the national priority project "Education" to support the talented youth.

In 1755, the day of Saint Martyr Tatiana (Tatyana's Day) has received a new meaning in the history of the Russian science - Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the establishment of the university comprising two classical schools in Moscow. Then there was the decree of Nicholas I, in which he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the day of signing the decree of its establishment. This is how students’ holiday - Tatiana's Day and Student Day appeared.

In 2005 President Vladimir Putin by his decree established the official holiday for students and its full name is: "Tatyana's Day – the Day of Russian students."

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