Dialogue with the people

Dialogue with the people

During his working trip to the Kholm-Zhirkovsky District Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy had several meetings with the people of the municipality.

While visiting the pre-school daycare for children of different age groups "Skazka" based at the Agibalovskaya school, the head of the region discussed with the people of the rural settlement some of the their most pressing issues.

The general request of the people was to repair urgently the 3,5 km of the inter-settlements road. Alexey Ostrovskiy right there contacted the head of the authority dealing with such issues and set the task to do all the necessary repairs in 2013.


During his working trip to the Kholm-Zhirkovsky District Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy had several meetings with the people of the municipality.

While visiting the pre-school daycare for children of different age groups "Skazka" based at the Agibalovskaya school, the head of the region discussed with the people of the rural settlement some of the their most pressing issues.

The general request of the people was to repair urgently the 3,5 km of the inter-settlements road. Alexey Ostrovskiy right there contacted the head of the authority dealing with such issues and set the task to do all the necessary repairs in 2013.

After that the Governor got acquainted with the work of the pre-school daycare group. There has been a need to create such a group for a long time, but the local budget lacked the necessary funding. The required funds were collected, as it is said by collective effort - by legislators and local business community. Now 15 children have all conditions necessary for harmonious development.

At the end of his visit Alexey Ostrovskiy checked on the progress of the tasks set by him after the meeting with the residents of houses on Sverdlov and Oktyabrskaya streets in November 2012. Head of the Administration of Kholm-Zhirkovsky district Valery Belotelov was accompanying the Governor on his meeting with the residents.

"I could help visiting you and the only purpose of my coming is to meet you personally and to check if everything I promised has been done. And if something hasn’t, please point it out to me. Last time there was a sad reason for my last visit - you did not get help from the local authorities. I am glad that after that Valery Ivanovich found the courage to come and explain the situation to me, to apologize first of all to you to you for treating your request that way", - said Alexey Ostrovskiy.

According to the people, the greater part of the problems mentioned at the previous meeting have been solved except for the poor supply of water to the residents. Valery Belotelov said that the local authorities had prepared the construction documents for the replacement of water supply network. The Governor, in his turn, said that the necessary financial support would be provided and set the deadline for the replacement to be completed – July, 1.

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