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"Best Municipal Employee", "Best Manager of Territorial Public Government of the Smolensk Region" Awards Ceremony

"Best Municipal Employee", "Best Manager of Territorial Public Government of the Smolensk Region" Awards Ceremony

The concert hall of the Regional Philharmonic Society hosted the ceremony dedicated to the Day of Local Government and the annual "The Best Municipal Employee", "Best Manager of Territorial Public Government of the Smolensk Region" Award Ceremony-2012.

The Day of Local Government in the Russian Federation is celebrated on April, 21 in compliance with the Order of the President of Russia of June 10, 2012 No 805. Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy welcomed the distinguished representatives of the authorities which work with people most close - municipal employees, members of territorial government. The head of the region expressed special gratitude to the audience for carrying the burden of everyday care of the countrymen, the burden of responsibility for them. Public opinion about the whole government vertical is generated judging by their work either in a rural settlement or at the district level.


The concert hall of the Regional Philharmonic Society hosted the ceremony dedicated to the Day of Local Government and the annual "The Best Municipal Employee", "Best Manager of Territorial Public Government of the Smolensk Region" Award Ceremony-2012.

The Day of Local Government in the Russian Federation is celebrated on April, 21 in compliance with the Order of the President of Russia of June 10, 2012 No 805. Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy welcomed the distinguished representatives of the authorities which work with people most close - municipal employees, members of territorial government. The head of the region expressed special gratitude to the audience for carrying the burden of everyday care of the countrymen, the burden of responsibility for them. Public opinion about the whole government vertical is generated judging by their work either in a rural settlement or at the district level.

"Dear colleagues, sincerely thank you all for the work. I know that all of you would really like to help people. The regional administration is trying to help you as much as possible, - said Alexey Ostrovskiy. – Together we should increase revenues and attract investors.

We really appreciate your being at the forefront if we describe it using the military terms in the context of the 70th release of our wonderful region we are celebrating this year. You are the first the people go to with their problems. But the most important thing I would like to ask you to do is to meet the countrymen, to tell the people of the region what problems there are. Then people will have the understanding of these problems. I'm glad you have received awards, but the main award that you deserve is the respect of the residents".

The winners and active participants of the competitions were awarded diplomas, Letters of Appreciation from the Governor of the Smolensk region, commemorative ribbons, cash prizes and, of course, the applause of the audience.

At the ceremony it was pointed out that today we can surely talk about noticeable progress and significant prospects of the local government in the Smolensk region. The most significant prospects are in the areas where the heads of settlements do their important work for their countrymen with great responsibility, not for the appearance of doing it. The Local government reform has created necessary conditions for developing business and personal qualities of the local leaders. And if the heads of settlements are not afraid to actively apply new forms of municipal management, to look for new funding sources, it improves the situation in the areas, encourages public confidence in the authorities. These most competent specialists are found with the help of the traditional competitions among the municipal employees and managers. These competitions stimulate local governments to increase effectiveness of their work, help to create favorable conditions for the sustained development of each municipality and the whole Smolensk region.

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