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The meeting of the Regional Coordinating Council on Border Policy

The meeting of the Regional Coordinating Council on Border Policy

Deputy Governor - Head of the Administrative Office of the Administration of the Smolensk region Lev Platonov chaired the meeting of the Coordinating Council on border policy.

The meeting discussed the results of the activities of the law enforcement agencies in the I quarter of 2013 to maintain law and order in the areas bordering on the Republic of Belarus and ways of improving them. The representatives of the Regional Office of the Interior Ministry, Border Department of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Smolensk region, the Head Office of the Federal Service for Drug Control presented their reports.


Deputy Governor - Head of the Administrative Office of the Administration of the Smolensk region Lev Platonov chaired the meeting of the Coordinating Council on border policy.

The meeting discussed the results of the activities of the law enforcement agencies in the I quarter of 2013 to maintain law and order in the areas bordering on the Republic of Belarus and ways of improving them. The representatives of the Regional Office of the Interior Ministry, Border Department of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Smolensk region, the Head Office of the Federal Service for Drug Control presented their reports.

Due to the taken measures, in January-March this year in the districts of the region bordering on the Republic of Belarus, there was a 17.8% decrease in the number of reported crimes - 258 (the same period in 2012 - 314). The number of crimes committed by citizens of the Republic of Belarus significantly decreased - 12 (the same period last year - 31). In the border districts they committed three crimes (in Rudnyansky and Krasninsky districts), 7 car accidents (last year - 10) in which 4 people were injured (2012 - one person died and six people were injured.)

During the search operations conducted in the current year within the common customs territory together with the law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Belarus, 3 contraband drug supply chains through the Russian-Belarusian border were eliminated.

The Coordinating Council made a number of decisions on further improvement of the efficiency of the joint efforts of law enforcement and border agencies and municipalities of the Smolensk region aimed at law enforcement in the areas bordering on Belarus, taking into account the friendly neighborly relations with the brotherly people of Belarus.

As it was noted at the meeting, the cross-border cooperation with the law enforcement agencies the Republic of Belarus is being constantly improved, and the best practice of interaction between relevant agencies of our countries, giving positive results will undoubtedly continue.

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