The Athlete's Day ceremony

The Athlete's Day ceremony

Just before the All-Russian Athlete’s day The Administration of the Smolensk region hosted a ceremony attended by athletes, coaches, heads of sports organizations of the Smolensk region, veterans of the sport. Deputy Governor Nikolai Kuznetsov congratulated all those present on their professional holiday.

There are currently 2,320 full-time professionals of Physical Culture and Sports in the Smolensk region. 22.7% of the population (which is 3.7% more than in the previous year) go in for sports. In general, 224,151 people area engaged in physical culture and sport activities.

The regional authorities are constantly paying close attention to the development of physical culture and sports. The activities to improve the network of fitness and sports facilities are being carried out. 12 facilities are in the final construction stage.


Just before the All-Russian Athlete’s day The Administration of the Smolensk region hosted a ceremony attended by athletes, coaches, heads of sports organizations of the Smolensk region, veterans of the sport. Deputy Governor Nikolai Kuznetsov congratulated all those present on their professional holiday.

There are currently 2,320 full-time professionals of Physical Culture and Sports in the Smolensk region. 22.7% of the population (which is 3.7% more than in the previous year) go in for sports. In general, 224,151 people area engaged in physical culture and sport activities.

The regional authorities are constantly paying close attention to the development of physical culture and sports. The activities to improve the network of fitness and sports facilities are being carried out. 12 facilities are in the final construction stage.

Now there are 42 sports institutions of further education for children: 11 Specialized Sports Schools of Olympic reserve for children and youth, 31 Sports Schools for children and youth, where 22 thousand children and teenagers receive training in 39 sports (9,300 of them are rated athletes) and 675 coaches provide professional assistance.

The population can make use of 2,383 sports facilities with one-time capacity of more than 53 thousand people, including 24 stadiums with stands, 3 ice arena, 995 gyms, 20 standard 25-meter swimming pools, a shooting range 61, 25 skiing camps, 1,180 planar structures. Only in 2012 688 million rubles from the budget were allocated to the development of physical culture and sports.

Joint efforts of the Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Smolensk State College of Olympic Reserve, the sports society "Dynamo" DOSAAF, CSKA Smolensk branch, regional sports federations allow annually delegate of the Russian national teams in various sports more than 90 athletes from the Smolensk sports community. The best of them: A. Fedorov (athletics), D. Komissarov (fencing), K. Ignatenkov (gymnastics) - are also leaders in the national teams.

The cooperation with the Ministry of Sports of Russia has proved to be successful in implementing the federal target program "Development of physical culture and sports in Russia for 2006-2015", as well as long-term regional target program "Development of physical culture and sports in the Smolensk region 2013-2015 ". All this allows to provide high-quality and up-to-date sport services.

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