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  • People of Smolensk, young and old, are celebrating the Day of their native city

People of Smolensk, young and old, are celebrating the Day of their native city

People of Smolensk, young and old, are celebrating the Day of their native city

Smolensk is celebrating these significant dates – the 1150th anniversary of the ancient city of Smolensk, and the 70th anniversary of the heroic liberation of Smolensk from the Nazis.

The holiday program of September, 21 was so rich and interesting that every resident and visitor could choose an event to their liking, and be proud of the fact that they live in the wonderful hero-city, in the shield- city Smolensk.

In the historic center of Smolensk there were festivals and performances dedicated to the various stages of the long history of the city.


Smolensk is celebrating these significant dates – the 1150th anniversary of the ancient city of Smolensk, and the 70th anniversary of the heroic liberation of Smolensk from the Nazis.

The holiday program of September, 21 was so rich and interesting that every resident and visitor could choose an event to their liking, and be proud of the fact that they live in the wonderful hero-city, in the shield- city Smolensk.

In the historic center of Smolensk there were festivals and performances dedicated to the various stages of the long history of the city.

On the grounds at the Gromovaya Tower, at the monument "Grateful Russia to the Heroes of 1812" in the park of memory of Heroes, in Lenin Street there were interactive historical sites "Landmarks in the history of Smolensk": "Smolensk 1609-1611", "Smolensk in 1812", "Smolensk at the beginning of the XX century".

The members of the military-historical clubs demonstrated their skills with arms, which were in use in the Russian army at different, but always heroic for Smolensk time.

In Dzerzhinsky Street there was the traditional for the Day of the City fair of arts and crafts "City of Masters" and the grounds at the Children's Art School named after M.K. Tenisheva hosted the exhibition of children's works of art dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Smolensk.

The great parade "Link of Times" of amateur artistic teams and residents of Smolensk went through the main streets of the city to Lenin Square.

Culture, education and sports professionals, students of sport schools and clubs, the winners of various competitions and Paralympics also took part in the parade.

In "Lopatinsky Sad" young people of Smolensk and their parents and grandparents could enjoy a hyper-playground "Smolensk childrenland" with air castles, cartoon characters. There were competitions for children of different ages, interactive programs, performances of children's amateur teams. Young people of Smolensk were not just the audience but also participants of the colorful action. The cartoon characters – kind Shrek, funny Mickey Mouse - conducted various competitions and activities. It is remarkable that parents and grandparents participated in the fun action along with their children and grandchildren.

A wonderful gift for the city residents was the performance of champions of the Major KVN League - famous Smolensk KVN team "Triode and Diode".

After that people of Smolensk could enjoy a big gala concert in which Kristina Orbakaite and Oleg Gazmanov took part.

The festive evening was highlighted with lights of the multimedia fountain show in Lenin Square. The residents and guests of Smolensk were delighted to watch the way the fountains changed the configuration to the music in a special program. Three-storyed-house-high jets of water shot up in the air and were illuminated with the footlights.

After the fountain show the sky over Smolensk blossomed with fireworks.

On Sunday, September, 22 the celebrations continued.

In Lenin Square there was All-Russian competition "Cross of Nations" held.

"Cross of Nations" is an annual event that is held by the Ministry of Sports of Russia together with Russian Athletics Federation. About 3500 Smolensk people from 12 municipalities of the region took part in the race.

The Cross began with the race of the strongest athletes, and then there were mass races of school children, veterans and joggers.

The winners received trophies and certificates from the Ministry of Sports of Russia.

There were mass festivals, the reconstruction of the festivities and ceremonies of different eras in “Lopatinsky Sad”. In the streets of Smolensk you could see charming young ladies in fancy dresses walking together with elegant young officers in uniform, important –looking merchants, working craftsmen and Smolensk people whirling in a waltz.

In the evening at the stadium "Spartak" several thousand spectators could watch the show on cars and motorcycles - Fire Angels Motors show.

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