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The opening ceremony of the VI Union State Festival of Creativity of the Disabled

The opening ceremony of the VI Union State Festival of Creativity of the Disabled

October, 29 the Smolensk Drama Theatre named after A.S. Griboedov hosted the opening ceremony of the VI Union State Festival of Creativity of the Disabled "Together we can do more".

The festival will be held in Smolensk till November, 1. Its organizers are the Union State Permanent Committee, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, and the Administration of Smolensk region.

The festival puts into practice the goals in the sphere of culture, determined in the Agreement between Russia and Belarus on the establishment of the Union State. The forum helps to keep the common cultural space, to develop international and interstate contacts, to join forces to support the creativity and initiative of representatives of the two brotherly nations. The festival is funded from the budget of the Union State.


October, 29 the Smolensk Drama Theatre named after A.S. Griboedov hosted the opening ceremony of the VI Union State Festival of Creativity of the Disabled "Together we can do more".

The festival will be held in Smolensk till November, 1. Its organizers are the Union State Permanent Committee, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, and the Administration of Smolensk region.

The festival puts into practice the goals in the sphere of culture, determined in the Agreement between Russia and Belarus on the establishment of the Union State. The forum helps to keep the common cultural space, to develop international and interstate contacts, to join forces to support the creativity and initiative of representatives of the two brotherly nations. The festival is funded from the budget of the Union State.

The participants of the festival are people with disabilities over 18 from the Republic of Belarus, the Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Pskov and Smolensk regions of the Russian Federation.

The participants are engaged in creative activities in various genres: folklore, folk, academic and pop singing, artistic reading, dance, poetry, song writing, as well as crafts and fine arts.

The juries are culture and art professionals, specialists highly respected in the genres and types of art represented at the festival.

During the festival there will be auditions on October, 30 (I stage in the Culture Hall of the health resort "Krasny Bor") and on October, 31 (II stage at the same location).

On November, 1 there will be a gala concert in the Culture Hall of the health resort “Krasny Bor”.

The participants of the festival can take part in the workshops on different genres of folk arts and artistic activities, as well as perform at a number of cultural institutions.

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