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The working visit of Alexey Ostrovskiy to the Novoduginsky district

The working visit of Alexey Ostrovskiy to the Novoduginsky district

Today Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy went with a working visit to Novoduginsky district, where he inspected the construction of the most important social facility – the boarding house for the senior people in the Molgino village, and also held a series of meetings on the development of agriculture and the social sphere of the municipality.

According to the statistics, in Novoduginsky district 25% of all the residents are over working age, and in the next decade this figure will only increase.

Inpatient social care for the district residents is provided by Smolensk regional State Budget Institution "Dneprovsky boarding house for the senior residents and people with disabilities" with the 26-bed capacity. 100 % of beds are in use, there is a queue of people to be admitted.


Today Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy went with a working visit to Novoduginsky district, where he inspected the construction of the most important social facility – the boarding house for the senior people in the Molgino village, and also held a series of meetings on the development of agriculture and the social sphere of the municipality.

According to the statistics, in Novoduginsky district 25% of all the residents are over working age, and in the next decade this figure will only increase.

Inpatient social care for the district residents is provided by Smolensk regional State Budget Institution "Dneprovsky boarding house for the senior residents and people with disabilities" with the 26-bed capacity. 100 % of beds are in use, there is a queue of people to be admitted.

The construction of the boarding-house in the village of Molgino will allow to avoid social tension associated with this problem and to improve the quality of services provided for senior citizens.

The construction of the modern boarding-house for senior residents was started in the early autumn of this year (the contractor is LLC "Remesko"). So far the pile field has been completed.

In the new social institution there will be utility unit, which includes a garage for 4 cars, a laundry and vegetable storage block. There will also be a diversion unit with two wells, a lift and water treatment station and an iron removal station.

It should be noted that the boarding-house will be equipped with elevators to move people with limited mobility and a gas boiler, and in the case of electricity cut-off the power supply for complex will be carried out autonomously by the diesel power plant.

It is assumed that the boarding –house will have more than 50 beds. The personnel of the institution will count about 85 people: 2-3 doctors, 10 - nurses, about 20 assistants, 48 - other employees. There are some concerns that there may be some problems with finding enough nurses, but according to the project the institution will be provided with a mini-bus which will transport the staff from Novodugino or other surrounding municipalities.

Then Alexey Ostrovskiy, together with the heads of relevant authorities, held a meeting with representatives of agricultural enterprises in the district.

So, at the LLC "Izvekovo" the priority project of creating a system of perennial grass seeds of Smolensk region is carried out within the framework of the regional priority program "Development of the seeds industry of Smolensk region in 2013 - 2020 years". The goal of the project is creating a modern system of production and sales of a wide range of seeds of perennial grasses, its diversification into the final product - grass mixtures to meet the needs of the region and to enter the markets of other subjects of the Russian Federation. It is also planned to expand the acreage of grass seed crops to 5-6 thousand hectares, to increase the gross yield of seeds to 1,500-1,700 tons per year, as well as to create conditions for further expansion of the grass seeds production. Also, there are plans to establish a research center for selection and seed production.

The project was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia as part of the regional priority program "Development of seed production of perennial grasses in Smolensk region 2013 - 2015 years". In 2013 11 million rubles from the regional budget and 3,5 million rubles from the federal budget were allocated to the program activities. It is expected that farmers' own funds in 2013 will amount to 12 million rubles.

The company is unique in its own way as it actually unites about 20 farms throughout the region. By 2016 its management plans to have increased the area under seed crops up to 2.9 thousand hectares, and the profit from the sale of grass and grass mixtures up to 37 million rubles, as well as to have created additional 34 jobs.

At the moment LLC "Izvekovo" is facing an important issue of gasification and technical upgrading.

The Head of the region gave the Building and Architecture Department, the district authorities the task to work out together with the enterprise variants of beginning gasification of LLC "Izvekovo" taking into account available funding opportunities.

In addition, the Head of the region met with the management of LLC "Vostok" engaged in dairy cattle breeding. The farm has 1,480 heads of cattle, including 500 cows, as well as crop areas of more than 5,000 hectares. The average number of employees is 140 people. The profit from the sale amounts to 35 million rubles a year (the profit share from milk sales comes to 80 %). Up to 30 % of profit from milk sales are subsidies from the regional and federal budgets.

Talking with Alexey Ostrovskiy the management of the enterprise noted that in connection with the introduction of new veterinary requirements to the livestock production it is very important now to build a slaughter house, and further processing plant. Pointing out the important role the enterprise in the life of the district, Alexey Ostrovskiy gave the Department of Agriculture and Food in cooperation with the district authorities the task to explore the possibility of funding and constructing the slaughter house .

During his visit to the district Alexey Ostrovskiy also discussed the problem connected with the construction of a fitness and health center in Novodugino. The contract for the construction of the facility was signed in the first quarter of 2012. The contractor is LLC "RSU 1" missed all the deadlines. The company has received several times the offer to terminate the state contract by mutual agreement. Finally, after a long delay and promises from the contractor, in October of this year state contract was terminated unilaterally.

In the next few weeks a new contractor, who will have finished the construction of the fitness and health center by September 2014 will be determined.

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