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The International Day of People with Disabilities

The International Day of People with Disabilities

Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the meeting dedicated to the International Day of People with Disabilities. The "Sharm" Culture Hall of the regional center opened its doors for the people with disabilities from all the towns and districts of Smolensk region, heads of state authorities, representatives of public organizations.

In 1992, the UN General Assembly proclaimed December, 3 as the International Day of People with Disabilities and urged the UN member states to carry out activities to integrate people with disabilities into the society.


Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the meeting dedicated to the International Day of People with Disabilities. The "Sharm" Culture Hall of the regional center opened its doors for the people with disabilities from all the towns and districts of Smolensk region, heads of state authorities, representatives of public organizations.

In 1992, the UN General Assembly proclaimed December, 3 as the International Day of People with Disabilities and urged the UN member states to carry out activities to integrate people with disabilities into the society.

Addressing the audience, Alexey Ostrovskiy said: "Thank you very much for such a welcome, although, of course, we don’t manage to do much for you. I will not speak about the budget problems; about difficulties we are facing providing normal life conditions for you. We are not able to do everything, of course, but we are trying. I have set the task for the next few years to create more employment options for people with disabilities as they need this help most of all, to create more jobs in small and medium-sized businesses".

Head of Social Development Department of Smolensk region Yulia Novikova pointed out that the courage, patience and sensitivity of the people who gathered today at the hall are without any doubt admirable. The Head of the Department said that the long-term regional program "Accessible Environment", approved for 2013-2015, received co-financing from the federal budget, unlike in previous years.

Next Julia Novikova presented Letters of Appreciation to the residents of Smolensk who are in a difficult situation, but despite their ailments clearly demonstrate the strength of will, actively participate in public life, show their talent in sports and creative work.

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