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  • The first meeting of the Regional Council for Economy and Investments was held in Smolensk

The first meeting of the Regional Council for Economy and Investments was held in Smolensk

The first meeting of the Regional Council for Economy and Investments was held in Smolensk

Deputy Governor Igor Skobelev chaired the first meeting of the Council for the Economy and Investments of Smolensk regional Administration. At the meeting the preliminary results of Phase I of the research "Study of the investment climate in Smolensk region, development of measures to ensure a favorable business environment and investment climate improvement in the region" were discussed with the heads of major enterprises of Smolensk, banks, NGOs and the scientific community of the region.

This research is carried out in compliance with the Order of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.09.2012 No 1276 "On the performance evaluation of the heads of federal executive authorities and senior officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state authorities) of the Russian Federation on creating favorable conditions for doing business" and within the framework of implementing the Standard of executive authorities activities to ensure a favorable investment climate in Smolensk region.


Deputy Governor Igor Skobelev chaired the first meeting of the Council for the Economy and Investments of Smolensk regional Administration. At the meeting the preliminary results of Phase I of the research "Study of the investment climate in Smolensk region, development of measures to ensure a favorable business environment and investment climate improvement in the region" were discussed with the heads of major enterprises of Smolensk, banks, NGOs and the scientific community of the region.

This research is carried out in compliance with the Order of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.09.2012 No 1276 "On the performance evaluation of the heads of federal executive authorities and senior officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state authorities) of the Russian Federation on creating favorable conditions for doing business" and within the framework of implementing the Standard of executive authorities activities to ensure a favorable investment climate in Smolensk region.

As part of Phase I of the research carried out by the Moscow company «Key Partner», the current state and formation process of the investment climate of Smolensk region is being studied. The strategic planning method was used to identify and analyze the factors of the internal and external environment of the region, which may contribute to the efficient use of available in Smolensk region opportunities. Its favorable economic and geographical location: the proximity to the Moscow metropolitan area and the border of the Russian Federation, developed transport infrastructure (road and rail), the presence of oil and gas pipelines, were noted as the main strengths. Moreover, the rich complex of cultural and historical values, non-polluted areas, availability of raw materials (wood, peat, natural stone), as well as agricultural land reserves form the potential of the region.

The Council meeting also dealt with the results of the «Key Partner» survey on "Perceptions of the region competitiveness by the entrepreneurs of Smolensk region" that help to identify aspects of improving the investment climate requiring special attention of the regional administration. As Deputy Director Vladislav Varyanik explained the survey involved more than 100 firms of Smolensk. "The survey was designed to evaluate the competitiveness of the business community of the region with the method of the World Economic Forum annually held in Davos. The method has been used in many countries. On a seven point scale Smolensk region showed a good result, even above average. The final score is 4.3"- said Vladislav Varyanik. - "In addition, we perform the analysis of infrastructure of placing investors in Smolensk region, as well as the "single window" mode of collaboration with investor. Thus, it is a whole complex of measures".

SWOT-analysis of the economic situation of Smolensk region (analysis of the internal and external factors affecting the development of the region)

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