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The return of the ancient icons

The return of the ancient icons

On the Christmas Eve Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy attended the ceremony of handing the icons over to the Russian Orthodox Church, the illegal export of which was foiled by the law enforcement officers in 2006.

The examination carried out by the specialists of the Smolensk State Museum-Reserve showed that 25 icons are of artistic, historical and museum value. The FSB authorities handed the icons over to the Smolensk State Museum-Reserve for interim storage as part of the terminated criminal proceedings.

This year the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation approved the transfer of 15 icons into the custody of the Russian Orthodox Church, and of 10 icons into the custody of the Smolensk State Museum-Reserve.


On the Christmas Eve Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy attended the ceremony of handing the icons over to the Russian Orthodox Church, the illegal export of which was foiled by the law enforcement officers in 2006.

The examination carried out by the specialists of the Smolensk State Museum-Reserve showed that 25 icons are of artistic, historical and museum value. The FSB authorities handed the icons over to the Smolensk State Museum-Reserve for interim storage as part of the terminated criminal proceedings.

This year the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation approved the transfer of 15 icons into the custody of the Russian Orthodox Church, and of 10 icons into the custody of the Smolensk State Museum-Reserve.

Addressing the audience, the Governor said: "Dear Colleagues! These days, which bring us closer to the great Orthodox holiday - Christmas, it is a great honor for all of us present here, for the representatives of civil authorities, to participate in handing over our great heritage – the icons of the Russian Orthodox church, which, due to the work and professionalism of the Federal Security Service and the Smolensk Customs, were not exported out of our state. I, as the Head of the region, am very pleased to be present at handing over on behalf of the Heads of the Federal Security Service to the Smolensk and Vyazma Diocese the great heritage, which will remain in Russia, will remain in Smolensk region and will become the treasure of all the residents of Smolensk region, of all Orthodox believers, and of all who want to share our history, our great Orthodox heritage".

In his turn, Bishop of Smolensk and Vyazma Isidore thanked the Governor and the representatives of the law enforcement agencies, due to whom these religious and cultural values in the form of ancient icons were returned to the Church.

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