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The Year of Culture was launched in Smolensk

The Year of Culture was launched in Smolensk

The performance of young skaters and the youth flash mob gave start of the Year of Culture in Smolensk region, the opening ceremony of which coincided with the start of the most important sports event for the whole Russia - XXII Olympic Winter Games.

The participants and spectators of the ceremony were hundreds of culture industry professionals, students of educational institutions, socially active Smolensk residents and guests who gathered in the main square of Smolensk Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy greeted them.

The people of Smolensk were also greeted by the famous biathlon athlete, the Olympic champion Nadezhda Talanova and Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Zimin. The festival began with the striking performance of the young skaters and hockey players, and then the Smolensk people could enjoy the colorful action - the flash mob "Sport and Culture Warm-Up".


The performance of young skaters and the youth flash mob gave start of the Year of Culture in Smolensk region, the opening ceremony of which coincided with the start of the most important sports event for the whole Russia - XXII Olympic Winter Games.

The participants and spectators of the ceremony were hundreds of culture industry professionals, students of educational institutions, socially active Smolensk residents and guests who gathered in the main square of Smolensk Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy greeted them.

The people of Smolensk were also greeted by the famous biathlon athlete, the Olympic champion Nadezhda Talanova and Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Zimin. The festival began with the striking performance of the young skaters and hockey players, and then the Smolensk people could enjoy the colorful action - the flash mob "Sport and Culture Warm-Up".

More than 300 young people took part in it. One of the elements of the mass action, which was headed by the animator disguised as the poet, playwright and novelist Alexander Pushkin, was the relay with the Olympic torch and the flag with the emblem of the Year of Culture.

At the end of the relay the symbols of 2014 were handed to the representatives of the institutions of culture and sports, then the Smolensk youth organized a dance marathon.

The flash mob participants were presented with 300 flyers that allow them to visit one of the following places: the Culture & Exhibition Centre named after the Tenishevs, the Smolensk Drama Theatre and the Smolensk Museum-Natural Park in February. A number of guys participating in the "Sports and Culture Warm-Up" received invitations to the Smolensk Drama Theatre to see the play by Alexander Ostrovskiy "The Late Love". There were 150 tickets presented.

The extensive cultural program and the broadcast of the opening ceremony of XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi is carried out in Smolensk cultural institutions today.

Moreover, the official opening of the Year of Culture was marked by the unique initiative of putting six "speaking tour trams” on the route in the capital city of Smolensk region. The content of the excursions will be updated periodically. Now passengers along with the stop announcement can hear the story dedicated to the history of sights that are located near it.

There is going to 17 "speaking tour" trams on all the routes. The audio guides will be working for the residents and guests of the city on weekends.

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