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Heads of regional health institutions meeting interns, residents and graduate students

Heads of regional health institutions meeting interns, residents and graduate students

The Tenishevs Culture and Exhibition Center hosted the meeting of the heads of the regional public healthcare institutions with interns, residents and graduate students dedicated to the issue of their employment after graduation.

The employers, promising potential employees, Deputy Governor Olga Okuneva, representatives of the Healthcare Department of Smolensk region carrying out systematic work to attract and retain young professionals in the healthcare institutions of our region, and of the Smolensk State Medical Academy of the Russian Health Ministry took an active part in the dynamic discussion.

The Healthcare Department annually organizes a meeting of the heads of the medical institutions with medical interns and second-year residents dedicated to the issue of their employment after graduation.


The Tenishevs Culture and Exhibition Center hosted the meeting of the heads of the regional public healthcare institutions with interns, residents and graduate students dedicated to the issue of their employment after graduation.

The employers, promising potential employees, Deputy Governor Olga Okuneva, representatives of the Healthcare Department of Smolensk region carrying out systematic work to attract and retain young professionals in the healthcare institutions of our region, and of the Smolensk State Medical Academy of the Russian Health Ministry took an active part in the dynamic discussion.

The Healthcare Department annually organizes a meeting of the heads of the medical institutions with medical interns and second-year residents dedicated to the issue of their employment after graduation.

The Deputy Head of the Healthcare Department of Smolensk region Andrey Rogachevsky noted that Smolensk region has been one of the first regions of the country to introduced specific measures to support young healthcare professionals in the form of incentive payments, etc. Since 2011 a lump-sum allowance in the amount of 200 thousand rubles has been granted to the young professionals who signed an employment contract with the medical institutions of Smolensk region for the period of at least 3 years. In 2013, these allowances were granted to 48 young doctors.

In accordance with the resolution of the regional Administration on additional measures of social support for the certain categories of employees of the regional public healthcare institutions, lump-sum allowances in the amount of 200,000 rubles and 500,000 rubles (depending on the demand for the doctors of this or that specialization in the urban or rural areas) are granted. The employees of the certain categories having secondary professional (medical) education and working for the regional public healthcare institutions in the rural areas of the region can receive a lump-sum allowance in the amount of 100 thousand rubles.

As part of the measures to retain young doctors in the rural areas, healthcare professionals under 35 willing to work there are entitled to a lump-sum compensation payment in the amount of 1 million rubles.

Thus, by order of Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy, the material support is provided to the doctors in their vital work, especially to those who are just starting their career in the rural are. Thanks to the active position of the regional authorities chasing municipalities, there has been some progress in providing young doctors with housing in the municipal settlements.

The meeting provided for some confidence that young doctors would treat the issue of employment in the medical institutions of their homeland with due attention and understanding.

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