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  • Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the meeting of the Council of the Central Federal District

Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the meeting of the Council of the Central Federal District

Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the meeting of the Council of the Central Federal District

Today, in the Vladimir region, a joint meeting of the Council and the Board on law enforcement, defense and security issues under the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian President to the Central Federal District was held. The Governor of Smolensk region Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the meeting.

The heads of the regions in Central Federal District, heads of the legislative authorities, the law enforcement agencies, the regional offices of the State Drug control agency in Russia discussed the results of the cooperation between the federal and regional executive authorities in the course of implementing “The Strategy of state anti-drug policy of the Russian Federation till 2020”. In particular, they discussed the issues of implementing the Strategy, the practices and problems of implementing the state national policy and improving the legislation on fighting against drug trafficking.


Today, in the Vladimir region, a joint meeting of the Council and the Board on law enforcement, defense and security issues under the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian President to the Central Federal District was held. The Governor of Smolensk region Alexey Ostrovskiy took part in the meeting.

The heads of the regions in Central Federal District, heads of the legislative authorities, the law enforcement agencies, the regional offices of the State Drug control agency in Russia discussed the results of the cooperation between the federal and regional executive authorities in the course of implementing “The Strategy of state anti-drug policy of the Russian Federation till 2020”. In particular, they discussed the issues of implementing the Strategy, the practices and problems of implementing the state national policy and improving the legislation on fighting against drug trafficking.

The key speaker at the meeting was the Director of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation Viktor Ivanov. He noted that only a comprehensive and balanced approach that makes the consolidated work of all the branches of government possible guarantees drug abuse reduction in the country. In fact a significant role in this cooperation is given to the regional and municipal authorities. Viktor Ivanov stressed that the introduction to the Russian law a practical lever inducing a drug user to make a deliberate decision in the procedural order to undergo rehabilitation as an alternative to imprisonment should become a serious step in the fight against drug abuse.

Viktor Ivanov also drew attention of the audience to the fact that setting up municipal anti-drug commissions is the most important, basic element of the vertical structure of ensuring the anti-drug security. "On May 1, the municipalities receive all the necessary powers to carry out a comprehensive anti-drug policy", - stressed he.

According to the Head of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation, the municipal commissions should become a basis for the national system of rehabilitation of drug addicts. Addressing the heads of the regions, Viktor Ivanov asked them to help the State Anti-Drug Committee to organize effective work of least 536 municipal anti-drug commissions in the Central Federal District and their local programs.

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