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  • April 11th is the International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camp Inmates

April 11th is the International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camp Inmates

April 11th is the International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camp Inmates

In Smolensk there were ceremonies held to mark the International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camp Inmates and the 25th anniversary of al public organization of former juvenile prisoners of fascism. The ceremony held at the Tenishevs Culture and Exhibition Centre was attended by Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy.

The International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camp Inmates is celebrated worldwide on April 11th. On this day 69 years ago there was an uprising of the Buchenwald concentration camp prisoners who gained their freedom. In our country this day was established by the executive order of the President of the Russian Federation of 2 April 1996.


In Smolensk there were ceremonies held to mark the International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camp Inmates and the 25th anniversary of al public organization of former juvenile prisoners of fascism. The ceremony held at the Tenishevs Culture and Exhibition Centre was attended by Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy.

The International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camp Inmates is celebrated worldwide on April 11th. On this day 69 years ago there was an uprising of the Buchenwald concentration camp prisoners who gained their freedom. In our country this day was established by the executive order of the President of the Russian Federation of 2 April 1996.

During World War II there were 14,000 concentration camps on the territory of Nazi Germany, in the allied countries of the Third Reich and on the occupied territories. The Nazi burnt inmates in crematorium furnaces, gassed them gas chambers, collected their blood for the Wehrmacht soldiers, ran terrible medical experiments and tested new drugs on them, tortured, starved and forced to work to the point of exhaustion.

About 70,000 children, including 11,000 children under 12 years old, were driven from Smolensk region to Germany by the invaders. Most of them perished behind the barbed wire. Only every tenth survived, didn’t break down and returned home. Now over 6,000 former juvenile prisoners live in Smolensk region.

Addressing the veterans Alexey Ostrovskiy said: "On this day it is very hard to speak when you see your eyes. Because what you experienced as children who were the most unprotected, the most vulnerable to that war, that tragedy, is going to haunt you for the rest of your life". The Head of the region emphasized that this special date is celebrated with tears in the eyes. The Governor expressed confidence that the terrible pages of the history that unite people of our country will be remembered by the future generations, and reminded the audience that the authorities are responsible to those who were deprived of the childhood because of the war.

The governor also expressed special gratitude and appreciation to the staff of all public organizations of the former juvenile prisoners of Nazi concentration camps. For active social work and in honor of the 25th anniversary of the organization Alexey Ostrovskiy awarded Honor diplomas from al Administration to Galina Ivanovna Alhimenkova, Zoya Kuzminichna Kumerdank, Maria Dmitrievna Romanova, and Maria Nikiforovna Safronova.

The Chairman of Smolensk regional Duma Igor Lyakhov and the officials from the city administration also greeted the audience, after which the participants of the ceremony could enjoy the concert featuring the musical art-group "Smolenskie muzhiki".

Today, the delegation consisting of the former juvenile prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, high students of school number 6, cadets of the Smolensk Kutuzov Cadet Corps laid flowers to the Eternal Flame and to the monument to the juvenile prisoners of Nazi concentration camps "Seared flower".

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