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  • The meeting of the Interagency Commission to assist the resettlement of compatriots to Smolensk region

The meeting of the Interagency Commission to assist the resettlement of compatriots to Smolensk region

The meeting of the Interagency Commission to assist the resettlement of compatriots to Smolensk region

In the Administration of the region Deputy Governor Nikolai Kuznetsov held a meeting of the Interagency Commission to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad.

The head of the State Employment Service Department of Smolensk region, Andrei Shimanov reported on the situation in the relevant for the Commission sphere. Last year 19 municipalities of the region were actively involved in the implementation of the program to promote the resettlement of compatriots living abroad to our region. During 2013 within the framework of the program over a thousand of consultations were given to our compatriots on their possible relocation to Smolensk region.


In the Administration of the region Deputy Governor Nikolai Kuznetsov held a meeting of the Interagency Commission to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad.

The head of the State Employment Service Department of Smolensk region, Andrei Shimanov reported on the situation in the relevant for the Commission sphere. Last year 19 municipalities of the region were actively involved in the implementation of the program to promote the resettlement of compatriots living abroad to our region. During 2013 within the framework of the program over a thousand of consultations were given to our compatriots on their possible relocation to Smolensk region.

The main task of the employment service agencies is to attract manpower to the region's economy. To do it, information about the vacancies is placed on the website of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud) in the "Working in Russia” section, recruitment infomercials are broadcast. Cooperation with the editors of the regional and district newspapers has been established.

In the region some work is done within the special state program on resettlement of compatriots living abroad. In 2013, 369 applications of the potential immigrants from 17 countries were considered. During the year 217 participants of the program and 167 members of their families relocated to the region.

This year 351 compatriots, including 195 participants of the subprogram and 156 members of their families, are going to relocate to the region. Also this year it is planned to send the program participants for professional training courses or additional vocational training.

As for the employment of the compatriots who have relocated, in 2013 110 program participants and 40 members of their families were officially employed. In the first quarter of 2014 from 155 program participants and their families 87 people were employed.

Interagency Commission made a decision to recommend the heads of executive and administrative bodies of the municipalities to provide more thorough preparation, timely updating and submission to the State Employment Service Department of information on vacancies for the participants of the program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to Smolensk region. When forming the bank of vacancies it is necessary to consider vacancies at the industrial and agricultural companies for which there are no specialists among the local population.

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