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  • The International Scientific-Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Boris Vasiliev opened in Smolensk

The International Scientific-Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Boris Vasiliev opened in Smolensk

The International Scientific-Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Boris Vasiliev opened in Smolensk

On May, 22 Russian and foreign linguists, language and literature teachers and lectures, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as everyone who loves and studies the works of the prominent writer, screenwriter and journalist born in Smolensk region, Boris Vasiliev, gathered at the Smolensk State University. The oldest university of the regional center hosted the International Scientific-Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Honor-Citizen Boris Vasiliev.

The Conference, organized with the support of the Administration of Smolensk region, the Foundation of socio-economic and intellectual programs, the Smolensk State University, will be held for two days. Besides the Smolensk residents, the guests from other regions of Russia, as well as Belarus, Iraq, India and China will attended it.


On May, 22 Russian and foreign linguists, language and literature teachers and lectures, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as everyone who loves and studies the works of the prominent writer, screenwriter and journalist born in Smolensk region, Boris Vasiliev, gathered at the Smolensk State University. The oldest university of the regional center hosted the International Scientific-Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Honor-Citizen Boris Vasiliev.

The Conference, organized with the support of the Administration of Smolensk region, the Foundation of socio-economic and intellectual programs, the Smolensk State University, will be held for two days. Besides the Smolensk residents, the guests from other regions of Russia, as well as Belarus, Iraq, India and China will attended it.

The speakers at the Vasiliev Readings stressed many times that you can find detailed answers to many disturbing questions of today in the books of this remarkable writer, because his prose is oriented towards ever-lasting life. Whatever Boris Vasilyev wrote about, whatever he talked about, the greatness of his personality, the level of thinking and talent give his each word a wide and universal meaning, evoking a grateful response in readers, deep respect for the author and a feeling of pride to be his contemporaries.

The Chairman of the Readings, Professor Gennady Merkin, Ed.D., presented the books autographed by Boris Vasiliev to Smolensk regional Universal Library named after A.T. Tvardovsky. The core of the literary museum will be formed with the exhibits given by the heirs of the writer.

At the Conference there was also an award ceremony for the winners of the competitions dedicated to the works of Boris Vasiliev.

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