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  • The awards for patriotism were given at the regional administration

The awards for patriotism were given at the regional administration

The awards for patriotism were given at the regional administration

On the eve of the Day of Russia the regional administration hosted the award ceremony for the participants of the patriotic movements of Smolensk region and healthcare professionals who proved to be worthy citizens of the Homeland.

Addressing the audience, Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy said: "Tomorrow is a national holiday - the day of the establishment of the sovereignty of our country, the Independence day of Russia.

On the eve of this holiday I would like to point out the work on patriotism development of The Search Movement, which in Smolensk region is headed by Nina Germanovna Kulikovskikh, my adviser, a deputy of the regional Duma. This work is particularly important for our region, which always heavily suffered from invasions of foreign countries.

Today, we cannot help being concerned that since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the youth have got different questionable values. Therefore, I will be happy to give the awards to those who work hard to preserve the traditional for the Russian people values".


On the eve of the Day of Russia the regional administration hosted the award ceremony for the participants of the patriotic movements of Smolensk region and healthcare professionals who proved to be worthy citizens of the Homeland.

Addressing the audience, Governor Alexey Ostrovskiy said: "Tomorrow is a national holiday - the day of the establishment of the sovereignty of our country, the Independence day of Russia.

On the eve of this holiday I would like to point out the work on patriotism development of The Search Movement, which in Smolensk region is headed by Nina Germanovna Kulikovskikh, my adviser, a deputy of the regional Duma. This work is particularly important for our region, which always heavily suffered from invasions of foreign countries.

Today, we cannot help being concerned that since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the youth have got different questionable values. Therefore, I will be happy to give the awards to those who work hard to preserve the traditional for the Russian people values".

The two residents of Smolensk received Letters Appreciation from the Governor of Smolensk region for hard and highly professional work and active participation in the All-Russian charity action "Soldier's Heart" in the Republic of Crimea. From May, 5 to May, 12 a cardiologist of the Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medicine Elena Syrokorenskaya and a cardiologist of Smolensk regional Clinical Hospital Bogdan Rogutsky provided medical assistance to the veterans of Sevastopol: the veterans were treated mainly in local clinics, and those patients, who could not come to the clinics, were treated at home.

Also, a Letter of Appreciation from the Governor was awarded to the Deputy Head of the Regional Healthcare Department Andrey Rogachevsky, who took an active part in organizing the delivery of humanitarian aid from the resident of Smolensk to the people of the Crimea. Today this humanitarian aid is used at the Oncological clinic in Simferopol, the hospital for the disabled veterans of World War II, maternity clinics and universal city clinic.

The Honor Insignias “For active work on patriotic education of the Russian Federation citizens" were awarded to the regional public patriotic youth organization "Memorial", the Smolensk divisional Kazak society, the special operations squad of the professional rescue service of the regional state budget organization "Fire-Rescue Centre" and Smolensk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society".

In addition, a number of Smolensk residents, who took an active part in the work on heroic-patriotic education of the youth and in the search movement, were presented commemorative medals "Patriots of Russia" by Alexey Ostrovskiy.

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