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  • "A family is a great kingdom of love, a family is the support of the state

"A family is a great kingdom of love, a family is the support of the state

"A family is a great kingdom of love, a family is the support of the state

Every year, on July, 8 our country celebrates the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. On the eve of this holiday there was a traditional gala evening "A family is a kingdom of great love, a family is the support of the state" organized by the Central Administration of the Registry Office of the region.

In the Tenishevs Cultural and Exhibition Centre 21 families from 14 districts of Smolensk region got together. Despite the fact that the couples have been married for a different number of years, they are examples of a strong unit of the society, who have decently brought up their children or still are doing it. A special attention at the ceremony was paid to the large families.

Deputy Governor Olga Okuneva and Bishop of Smolensk and Vyazma Isidor congratulated the Smolensk families on this holiday.


Every year, on July, 8 our country celebrates the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. On the eve of this holiday there was a traditional gala evening "A family is a kingdom of great love, a family is the support of the state" organized by the Central Administration of the Registry Office of the region.

In the Tenishevs Cultural and Exhibition Centre 21 families from 14 districts of Smolensk region got together. Despite the fact that the couples have been married for a different number of years, they are examples of a strong unit of the society, who have decently brought up their children or still are doing it. A special attention at the ceremony was paid to the large families.

Deputy Governor Olga Okuneva and Bishop of Smolensk and Vyazma Isidor congratulated the Smolensk families on this holiday.

At the gala evening there was a presentation of each family. The love story of each couple, telling about their achievements, joint victories and success was met by a thunder of applause. The families could enjoy a wonderful concert featuring the Smolensk creative teams, and many couples gave their own performances. At the end of the gala evening all the participants received memorable gifts.

On the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, on July, 8 all the districts of Smolensk region will celebrate the couples who have been married for over 25 years and decently brought up their children. 250 families have already received the public award "For love and fidelity". This year 70 Smolensk couples are going to receive the award.

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