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- Smolensk region
- Mass media
There are more than 260 mass media units registered in the information sphere of Smolensk region. Most of them are printings. The greatest are: «Rabochy Put» («Working way») (the first issue came out in 1917), «Smolenskye novosty» («Smolensk news»), «Smolenskaya gazeta» («Smolensk paper»), «Smolenskye gubernskye vedomosty» («Smolensk province gazette»), «Argumenty i fakty - Smolensk» («Arguments and facts - Smolensk»), «Komsomolskaya Pravda - Smolensk» («Komsomol Truth - Smolensk»), «Smolensk Pensioner», «Nikolskoye koltso» («Nikolskoye circle»). In the section of advertisement and informational and advertising papers there work «Moya reklama. Smolensk» («My ad. Smolensk»), «Vsyo dlya Vas. Smolensk» («All for You. Smolensk»), «Reklama - Smolensk» («Ad - Smolensk»), «Iz ruk v ruki» («From Me to You»), «Smolenskaya torgovaya marka» («Smolensk brand name») and others. In spite of the variety of the printings the Smolensk press market is constantly developing. There appear new and new papers and magazines meant for concrete specific-purpose public, first of all: leisure, hobbies, issues for professional use. Nowadays such classic magazines as «Krai Smolensky» («Smolensk Kray»), «Delovaya Smolenschina» («Business Smolensk») find their readers. Also some new mass media means win our reading public: «Smolenskie eparkhialnie vedomosty» («Smolensk diocesan gazette»), «Pchela» («Bee») (entertainment magazine), «Portfel TM» («Portfolio TM») (a magazine for businessmen).
26 regional papers that take the informational niche come out in Smolensk region. The total calculation is 46 000 copies. The regional and municipal authorities inform the citizens of Smolensk about national politics in different spheres of social life with the help of the regional mass media. There are published standard law certificates and official messages here.
There work 11 TV companies in our region. 4 of them are in the city of Smolensk (a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise «VGTRK» (All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company) GTRK «Smolensk», LLC «Smolensk-Signal (TNT-Phoenix) », LLC «SCS» (Ren-Smolensk), municipal unitary enterprise «Urban TV studio in Smolensk») and 7 operate in different rayons of the region (Vyazma, Gagarin, Desnogorsk, Elnya, Safonovo, Yartsevo). Among 32 radio companies that broadcast in the region the leading ones are the Smolensk regional state unitary enterprise «Regional radio program Editor’s «Smolenskaya vesna» («Smolensk Spring»)» and the regional radio program «Radio of Russia» (GTRK «Smolensk»).
Young, active, firm of purpose and well-grounded people come to the Smolensk journalism. They master modern technologies and have sufficient knowledge in the sphere of journalism. This symbiosis is the base of successful and quick development of the mass media of not only Smolensk region but other ones.
«Smolenskaya gazeta» («Smolensk paper») www.smolgazeta.ru
«Rabochy Put» («Working way») www.rabochy-put.ru
«Smolenskye novosty» («Smolensk news») www.smol-news.ru
VGUP «VGTRK» - GTRK «Smolensk» smolensk.rfn.ru
LLC «SCS» (Ren-Smolensk) www.rentv-smolensk.ru
LLC «Smolensk-signal (TNT-Phoenix)» tv-feniks.ru